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Resonances III Artworks

Browse through the artworks produced for Resonances III Datami (2018-19) which focused on AI, Big Data and the Digital Transformation. The final exhibition took place at the JRC and BOZAR Museum (Brussels). Some of these were showcased at subsequent events and exhibitions. 

The Datami catalogue for Resonances III is now available online

Image of Weather Prediction by Numerical Systems - pieces of paper representing weather predicitions

Weather Prediction by Numerical Processes 
Still of To Breathe installation - square format for a thumbnail

To Breathe 
Still of Resonance Space(s) VR installation - data converging on itself

Resonance Space(s) 
Still of horaica (structure monitoring emotions of plants) - square format for a thumbnail

IN(de)Finite installation view - three performance actors in built up, three point structure

Installation for A portrait of the AI as a young Cyber Oracle - screen, signs and hat used in the performance

A portrait of the AI as a young Cyber Oracle
Visual of D.pulex black box rays of light coming through on black background

D.pulex black box
Still of Silicon Synapse VR experience at JRC - square format for a thumbnail

Silicon Synapse
Sill of DataWe film

Person standing in front of giant spiral inside anechoic chamber at JRC

Nature of Knowledge
Forever Do sculpture made up of different rods representing a network

Forever Do
Still of Conversation on Time film - brain made up of multicoloured networks over a black background

Conversation on Time
Landslide hanging structure made up of different coloured bands - at JRC

Still of B scope C index video screen installation - square format for a thumbnail

B-scope C-index
Still of Daniel Djamo's installation - European migration pattterns - square format for a thumbnail

The Sound of Waves
Still of Gaia 5.0 digital video renderings of the Earth - square format for a thumbnail

Gaia 5.0
Still of Life is Motion (moving plates with sand forming geometric shapes)- square format for a thumbnail

Life is Motion
Still of My Data and Me (smaller sculptures) - square format for a thumbnail

My Data and Me
Still of Quantum Oscillographs (view from inside the dark room) - square format for a thumbnail

Quantum Oscillographs
Still of Retinitis Pigmentosa, hanging sculpture, at BOZAR museum - square format for a thumbnail

Retinitis Pigmentosa
Still of Why Am I seeing this video - square format for a thumbnail

Why am I seeing this?
Still of between systems and selves sculpture and installation - square format for a thumbnail

between systems and selves
Still of the Tannhauser Gate installation (2 columns) - square format for a thumbnail

The Tannhauser Gate