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eBAU Book: Art Dreams for a New European Bauhaus

Through his visits to JRC in 2021 and 2022, former JRC artist-in-residence Roberto Paci Dalò developed the concept for a book which would further expand on artists' perpectives towards the New European Bauhaus. 

To do this, he contacted and collected work, sketches and thoughts from previous artists in residence at JRC and compiled a book, titled eBAU, which was unveiled at the Resonances IV Summer School in June 2022. The book was launched on 10/04/2024 at the 2024 New European Bauhaus Festival

The book was produced by JRC SciArt and published by Quodlibet Editore. You find the book at: 

Below you find the events the book is being presented at, press reviews and engaged partners. You find the most up to date information always on the dedicated book mini-site

About eBAU

eBAU is a collection of thoughts and ideas on what a New European Bauhaus could be. Not an essay, not an administrative document, not a plea nor a manifesto. Simply a series of suggestions morphing into fleeting visions, sudden vistas breaking through the fog of daily life. What can art mean for the European Bauhaus? What can artists bring to the idea of a new school that invents a new aesthetics, green and sustainable and equal, for a better world? Artist Roberto Paci Dalò shares his thoughts in drawings and texts. An artist’s book, a light collection of insights and incitements fluttering out of the page, to point to other realities that are ours to invent.

Portrait of Roberto Paci Dalò with the eBAU book opened in front of him


Thumbnail for eBAU event_April 14th_for the book launch_details with images

eBAU launch at NEB Festival | 10/04/2024, Brussels (BE)

Thumbnail for eBAU event_May 6th_details with images_2

eBAU book presentation | 06/05/2024, Bologna (IT)

Thumbnail for eBAU event_May 16th_details with images_2

eBAU book presentation | 16/05/2024, Santarcangelo di Romagna (IT)

Thumbnail for eBAU event_June 6th_details with images_2

eBAU book presentation | 06/06/2024, Milano (IT)

Thumbnail for eBAU event_June 25th_details with images_2

eBAU book presentation | 25/06/2024, Pesaro (IT)

Thumbnail for eBAU event_July 5th_details with images_2

eBAU book presentation | 05/07/2024, Treia (IT)


eBAU so far has reached friends/colleagues from: 

Ars Electronica; 


European Commission, Joint Research Centre;

Patrimonio Culturale Regione Emilia-Romagna;

Regione Emilia-Romagna, Assessorato alla Cultura;

Fondazione Zucchelli;

Gluon2050+ ;

Territorial Agency ;

Eureopean Parliament (STOA); 

USI Accademia di Architettura