About Resonances IV
Informed by cutting-edge scientific research and public policy discussions, the aim of Resonances IV is to explore contemporary societal concerns with a transdisciplinary approach. Spurred by artists and creatives around the world we want to develop discourse, visions, artworks and exhibition that raise questions, change perceptions and widen awareness, that can trigger systemic change in support of the European Commission’s Green Deal.
This is the fourth edition of the project's main initiative, Resonances. Follow the timeline of Resonances IV.

The theme and curatorial concept for Resonances IV, NaturArchy: Towards a Natural Contract, wants to re-imagine our relationship to nature and the environment. Five core themes are guiding our inquiries, find out more:
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Timeline of processes for Resonances IV
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The artists who were selected to participate in Resonances IV and work on the theme of NaturArchy
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Committee who selected the Artists and curated the 2022 Summer School programme
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Discover the science-art projects currently in development in the framework of NaturArchy & the spin-off projects inspired by NaturArchy.
Catch up on all our talks, conferences and recordings conducted in the framework of NaturArchy.
Discover art & science at the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission
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