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Lise Autogena @ JRC

Meet the Artist

Lise Autogena participated to Resonances III together with Joshua Portway, her collaborator since the early 1990s, developing large-scale multimedia installations, site-specific works and performances. They use video, new technologies and large-scale data visualisations of global real-time data, to explore what impact human-made social, geographic and economic systems have on our human experience.

Resonances III Project

Weather Prediction By Numerical Process

Weather Prediction By Numerical Process is a participatory performance for Resonances III Festival where people calculate collaboratively a weather forecast through human labour, thus turning the act of calculating the computation into a social action. It is a tribute to the heroic effort of Lewis Fry Richardson, a pacifist Quaker who spent his time as a medic during World War I, calculating the first numerical weather forecast by hand. Working before the days of electronic computers, he had the utopian dream that the nations of the world would come together to create a vast “human computer” consisting of tens of thousands of mathematicians who would work around the clock to calculate the weather for the good of all humankind.

A collaboration between Lise Autogena & Joshua Portway, Jutta Thielen-del Pozo, Florian Pappenberger (ECMWF), and Peter Lynch (School of Mathematics and Statistics, University College Dublin) as advisor.

Weather prediction installation at BOZAR - Portway close up
Weather Prediction By Numerical Process, 2019, L. Autogena & J. Portway

Participation to the Public Participation and Deliberative Democracy Festival (continued collaboration with JRC)

On Thursday 20th October, Lise Autogena returned to the JRC site in Ispra to speak at the 4th Public Participation and Deliberative Democracy Festival

In conversation with SciArt project leader, Adriaan Eeckels, she briefly outlined her work Weather Prediction By Numerical Process for Resonances III together with Joshua Portway - and the wish to recreate Lewis Fry Richardson's calculation of forecast by hand with a mass participative performance. Then she discussed her recent work in Greenland with Joshua Portway, developing an archive of the Kuannarsuit / Kvanefjeld mountain and local people's feelings towards it.

Participation to the Curating matters of care in the Arctic Workshop (continued collaboration with JRC)

On 26/05/2023 Lise returned to the JRC to showcase her installation, Kuannarsuit/Kvanefjeld, at the Curating matters of care in the Arctic Workshop organised by the Public Participation and Deliberative Democracy Team @ JRC together with ARCTIC PASSION. 

This workshop focused on dilemmas (or multi-lemmas), on matters of care and on wisdoms, as lenses to help the participants with looking closer at what the needs are across different communities to advance issues related to working across different knowledge production systems. It involved in deeper ways the arts, and in particular the arts of Saami or arts related to the Arctic.

The workshop also reflected on the meanings of these discussions for governance in the Arctic and in particular for EU research policy and EU funded research projects. It also reflected on the need to set up a “community of practice” on these topics of interest.

(This was a closed workshop, open only to those with prior registration).