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Paul Wiersbinsky @ JRC

Meet the Artist

Paul Wiersbinski's projects touch upon discourses such as architecture, entomology or cybernetics and referring to the history of performance and video art, as well as utilising notions of jest and improvisation. Often he constructs technical prototypes, which are tried out by the public and go through various phases of continuous development.

Resonances III Project

A portrait of the AI as a young Cyber Oracle

At Resonances III Festival, Paul presented his lecture performance A portrait of the AI as a young Cyber Oracle - a unique Artificial Intelligence algorithm that generated text and music, interpreted by an Opera Singer in a live performance at the Smart Grids Lab at JRC. 

It aims to expose the creation of an Artificial Intelligence and its workings to a general public, dealing with the bias within programming, the notion of losing control in a world supervised by machines and the utopia of creating an all-knowing Big Data oracle. It wants to investigate, understand and expose our own relationship towards technology and how humans have always looked for the “ghost in the machine”. A unique algorithm was programmed as part of the project. It utilises the open source code already available, e.g. the language model of the Open AI programme. Part of the work is also to design a user interface to let the user play with different data sets the algorithm will use to generate cultural information in order to expose the bias of algorithms as a bias of cultural data sets. The prototype AI will be presented to and discussed with the audience during a lecture performance. 

AI as a cyber oracle installation view at JRC
A portrait of the AI as a young Cyber Oracle , 2019, P. Wiersbinski

A collaboration between Paul Wiersbinski, Blagoj Delipetrev, Henrik Junklewitz and Diana Rembges.

Continued collaboration with JRC (2021)

After the Resonances III festival, Paul continued his collaboration with JRC AI expert and computer scientist Blagoj Delipetrev whom he worked with for A portrait of the AI as a young Cyber Oracle, through a residency at the JRC. They worked on a project proposal, looking also to contribute to the public visibility of the SciArt Project. With Covid restrictions easing, Paul carried out his residencies at the JRC Ispra site from the 11th to the 15th of October and the 25th to the 29th of October 2021. On the 27th of October, together with Blagoj, they introduced their work and ideas, which unfold at the nexus of art, science and technology, through a hybrid-style presentation to a live audience at the JRC and with a video live-stream for remote attendees. 

Whilst no project was produced, theirs was an awesome example of the value and benefit of continued art-science collaborations at JRC, for all parties involved.