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Summer School Conference Recordings

20/06 – Nature and Law


welcome address conference slide for naturarchy summer school, title and details

Director Sabine Henzler, Jutta Thielen-Del Pozo, Adriaan Eeckels


nature and law conference slide for naturarchy summer school, title and details

Saskia Vermeylen, Jojo Mehta, Francesco Facchinelli; moderated by Anna Berti Suman

21/06 – Decentring the Human

22/06 – Techno Green

23/06 – Changing the Ground

24/06 – Circular Gaia


the blue mirror conference slide for naturarchy summer school, title and details

Jacques Verborgh , Caterina Cacciatori, Dianna Cohen (moderator), Manuel Rivera


futurity conference slide for naturarchy summer school, title and details

Ariane Koek, Roger Malina, Saskia Vermeylen; moderated by Adriaan Eeckels