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General Information

Resonances IV NaturArchy
Resonances IV Projects Development
Subject Matter

Nanoplastic digestion by bioindicators and their potential threat to humans as they enter the food chain.

Lead Artist
JD Whitman

Project Description

Short description

This project will be a community-specific, immersive art installation illuminating JRC research on nanoplastics (pNP) digested by bioindicators and their potential threat to humans as they enter the food chain. Specifically, it will visually highlight pNP concentrations in bioindicator species, as well as how nanoplastics are moving through organisms like zooplankton.

Full description of the artwork/installation
  • Materials: The physical materials used to build the entire installation space will include recycled sheet plastic collected from the community (JRC campus and the town of Ispra). The plastic will be ironed together to make large plastic sheets. These sheets will be used to build the plastic inflatable structure (the interior of which will become the experienced installation space). The scale and design of the installation space will be dependent on the amount of community plastic consumption and collaboration. 
  • Visuals: Images and videos will be projection mapped onto the exterior surfaces of the inflatable (and experienced from inside the inflatable). These visuals will include images of pNP concentrations in bioindicator species (captured through scanning electron microscopy), as well as videos of nanoplastics moving through organisms like zooplankton (recorded through spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy). These projected visuals will activate the walls of the plastic inflatable, the interior space, and viewers. Different images/videos will be projected on each chamber of the inflatable, and arranged in a specific order to create an engaging visual narrative for viewers to follow. Overlaying visuals of pNP in digestive systems on top of a large scale structure mimicking the form of a digestive system will physically immerse viewers in the research being communicated. This arrangement will abstractly visualize the materiality, transformation process, and absorption of plastics, relating it to both marine species and humans. 
  • Sound: Speakers will be utilized to further transform the space into an immersive and engaging environment. The space will have multiple, strategically placed (and hidden) speakers playing audio recordings at sporadically changing volumes to enhance the atmospheric and spatial quality of the installation. The audio recordings will be close-mic recordings of plastics (i.e. common plastic objects being used by people, plastic objects breaking down, plastic in water, etc.). In addition to the audio recordings, the plastic inflatable will be constantly producing its own unique sounds due to the forced air pressing against the plastic walls and changes in pressure. 
  • Engagement: Viewers entering the inflatable will take part in a very corporeal and physical, immersive experience. The interior of the inflatable is constantly changing in form (due to changes in air pressure) prompting viewers to bend/move with the material and spatial transformations. This will inevitably lead viewers to get closer to and observe the plastic material. Actually, the plastic material will completely completely saturate each viewer’s senses. While inside the inflatable, viewers will smell, see, hear, touch, and even taste (from the air they breathe) the plastic they are interacting with. 

There are a few things that will also be included in the installation but the “how” of the inclusion needs to be discussed with JRC collaborators as this project progresses. 

  • Access to Research: Information on the negative effects of plastic ingestion will be included and/or accessible in the installation space. (Some examples of how this can be achieved include: text in the space, info pamphlets, gallery attendants stationed in the inflatable, or QR codes linked to publications or a secondary interactive, online space). 
  • Access to Solutions and Action Steps for Individuals and the Community: Information on alternatives to plastics, altering plastic-based behaviour, and their relation to the European Green Deal and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals will be accessible in the installation space. (Some examples of how this can be achieved include: text in the space, info pamphlets, gallery attendants stationed in the inflatable, or QR codes linked to publications or a secondary interactive, online space).

Discarded plastic will be collected from the community and used to construct a site-specific, large-scale, enterable plastic inflatable. The inflatable will be built as a series of connected tunnels and caverns (similar in form to an actual digestive system). The walls of the inflatable will be projection-mapped with larger than life images/videos (procured from the aforementioned research) transforming the interior into a captivating, immersive environment. The installation will be designed and constructed to completely surround viewers with materials, visuals, and sounds from their community and relating to the JRC research. This will connect viewers with the research on a personal and relatable level, allowing for a more successful transfer of information on the problem, and solutions to the problem.  

Scientific Background/Collaboration

I asked to work with Andrea Valsesia, Jessica Ponti, and Dora Mehn because of their ongoing work first published in “Detection, counting and characterization of nanoplastics in marine bioindicators: a proof of principle study” (April 2021). Here is the abstract to that paper: 

Plastic particulates in the environment pose an increasing concern for regulatory bodies due to their potential risk to higher organisms (including humans) as they enter the food chain. Nanoplastics (defined here as smaller than 1 μm) are particularly challenging to detect and analyze at environmentally relevant concentrations and in biological matrices. The tunicate Ciona Robusta is an effective bioindicator for microplastics and nanoplastic contamination in the marine environment, due to its capacity to filter substantial volumes of water and to accumulate particulates. In this proof-of-principle study that demonstrates a complete methodology, following controlled exposure using spiked samples of a model nanoplastic (100 nm diameter polystyrene spheres) the nanoparticles were separated from an enzymatically digested biological matrix, purified and concentrated for analysis. The described method yields an approximate value for nanoplastic concentration in the organism (with a limit of detection of 10⁶ particles/organism, corresponding to 1ng/g) and provides the chemical composition by Raman spectroscopy. Furthermore, this method can be extended to other biological matrices and used to quantitatively monitor the accumulation of nanoplastics in the environment and food chain. 

Dora Mehn recommended that I also ask to work with Marisa Sarria Pereira De Passos because she is currently capturing video recordings of nanoplastic ingestion by zooplankton.

Additional context & background


Valsesia, A., Parot, J., Ponti, J. et al. Detection, counting and characterization of nanoplastics in marine bioindicators: a proof of principle study. Micropl.&Nanopl. 1, 5 (2021).

Technical Framework

Here is a list of what is needed to install this project. 

Gallery Specifications: (The design and scale of the installation will be dependent on this information) 

  • Detailed floor plan (including electrical points and window dimensions) 
  • Electrical grid information.
  • Ceiling grid specifications/dimensions (if there is one) 
  • Restrictions and regulations 

Dark Space: I will need to be able to blackout the exhibition space and cover/close all incoming light sources (windows, entrances, exits, fixed lights, etc.) in order for the projection mapped components and installation space to work. 

Equipment To Rent: (Will change based on TBD design and scale of installation. This is the equipment list based on specifications for the largest project scale I would complete). 

  • (5x) Short Throw Projector – example: InFocus IN128HDSTx. This is the minimum projector type that is needed. Necessary features: 1080p(1920x1080) native resolution; Short throw lens (0.495 throw ratio); 3500 lumens of brightness; Display over HDMI, VGA, composite or S-video; 15,000:1 contrast ratio. 
  • (5x) Projector Mount/Stand – compatible with projectors 
  • (2x) Macintosh Laptop - Minimum system requirements needed: MacOS 10.10 or greater; 2GB RAM minimum, 4GB or greater recommended; 2.0 GHz i5 Processor minimum. 
  • (1x) ISADORA software and license 
  • (2x) External GXM – example: Matrox TripleHead2Go DP Edition External GXM Minimum system requirements needed: 3 Outs; Max resolution per monitor: 1920 x 1080. 
  • (2x) Video adaptor ( for use from Mac to External GXM) 
  • (6x) Adaptor from full display port to HDMI 
  • (6x) 50’ HDMI cables
  • (1x) OLab software 
  • (1x) 2 channel PA sound system 
  • (4x) power strips
  • (3-4x) High power carpet dryer blower/fan. 

Wifi: Needs to be functional/high-speed in order to run equipment.



An accurate budget cannot be determined at this time because I do not have the gallery specifications. The specifications to determine the scale and design of the installation, which in turn will determine the cost. However, the budget will be broken into four categories: 

  1. Artist Time: Time spent developing the installation for exhibition. 
  2. Materials: Any materials used in project development or implementation. 
  3. Project Shipping: Any costs accrued for shipping parts of the installation from Ireland to Exhibition space (if there are any). 
  4. Equipment Rentals: Cost to rent the needed equipment for the duration of the exhibition. This price fluctuates based on rental company, location, and duration.

 A rough estimate of an expected budget needed for this production (based off of past similar productions) will fall within your average budget range: € 10,000 and € 25,000.


Whitman, JD_JRC SciArt Summer School_ Nanoplastics Proposals_20220830.pdf
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