Cèline Charveriat on "NaturArchy"
Alessandro Pelizzon: "Towards an Ecological Jurisprudence"
Leonardo LASER talk "On NaturArchy"
Ocean Connections: How science with art informs policymaking @ DG MARE
NaturArchy Exhibition opening panel (audio only)
Claudia Schnugg narrating the NaturArchy Exhibition on USMARADIO
NOS FUTURS RADIO : Nonhuman lives in Brussels
NOS FUTURS RADIO + RADIO CAMPUS: Demineralize and revitalize the city
NOS FUTURS RADIO + RADIO CAMPUS: the Josaphat wasteland | Listen @1:05:00
Art & Science for wildfire resilience with FIRE-RES EU @ CDMA
Belonging to Land & Country @ NaturArchy Exhibition
NOS FUTURS RADIO + RADIO CAMPUS: Justice for green spaces in Brussels
NOS FUTURS RADIO + RADIO CAMPUS: Belgian agricultural practices | Listen @1:04:50
NOS FUTURS RADIO + RADIO CAMPUS: Re-enchanting our relationship with the living through art
NOS FUTURS RADIO + Radio Campus : Combining the right to housing and the right to life
Plastic Magnitudes testimonial with iMAL
With Salt and Rocks in Our Veins testimonial with iMAL
These Relations are Forever testimonial with iMAL
Compos[t]ing testimonial with iMAL
Anthos testimonial with iMAL
Invisible Seeds testimonial with iMAL
Lament testimonial with iMAL
Entanglement of Desert Water by Penelope Cain
Soil Sciences & Arts at the EU Soil Observatory Stakeholder Forum