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SciArt: Science art society

Media Archive


Cover picture (title and speaker) for conference by Celice Charveriat on Naturarchy

Cèline Charveriat on "NaturArchy"
slide from Alessandro Pelizzon's presentation on 'Towards an Ecological Jurisprudence' - held at JRC

Alessandro Pelizzon: "Towards an Ecological Jurisprudence"
Leonardo LASER talk thumbnail for event

Leonardo LASER talk "On NaturArchy"
Ocean Connections thumbnail

Ocean Connections: How science with art  informs policymaking @ DG MARE 
NaturArchy recordings thumbnail for video on website - text on patterened background

NaturArchy Exhibition opening panel (audio only) 
Naturarchy banner thumbnail - text on patterened background

Claudia Schnugg narrating the NaturArchy Exhibition on USMARADIO
Thumbnail for radio show by La Biais Vert at iMAL on May 25th - for media archive - image with details of event

NOS FUTURS RADIO : Nonhuman lives in Brussels 
Thumbnail for radio show by La Biais Vert at iMAL on June 1st - for media archive - image with details of event

NOS FUTURS RADIO + RADIO CAMPUS: Demineralize and revitalize the city 
Thumbnail for radio show by La Biais Vert at iMAL on June 08th - for media archive - image with details of event

NOS FUTURS RADIO + RADIO CAMPUS: the Josaphat wasteland | Listen @1:05:00
Wildfire panel thumbnail

Art & Science for wildfire resilience with FIRE-RES EU @ CDMA 
Invisible Seeds thumbnail

Belonging to Land & Country @ NaturArchy Exhibition 
Thumbnail for radio show by La Biais Vert at iMAL on June 15th - for media archive - image with details of event

NOS FUTURS RADIO + RADIO CAMPUS: Justice for green spaces in Brussels 
Thumbnail for radio show by La Biais Vert at iMAL on June 22nd - for media archive - image with details of event

NOS FUTURS RADIO + RADIO CAMPUS: Belgian agricultural practices | Listen @1:04:50
Thumbnail for radio show by La Biais Vert at iMAL on July 13th - for media archive - image with details of event

NOS FUTURS RADIO + RADIO CAMPUS: Re-enchanting our relationship with the living through art
Thumbnail for radio show by La Biais Vert at iMAL on July 20th - for media archive - image with details of event

NOS FUTURS RADIO + Radio Campus : Combining the right to housing and the right to life
Plastic Magnitudes testimonial still thumbnail with text

Plastic Magnitudes testimonial with iMAL 
With Salt and Rocks in Our Veins testimonial thumbnail_video still with text

With Salt and Rocks in Our Veins testimonial with iMAL 
These Relations are Forever testimonial video still thumbnail with text

These Relations are Forever testimonial with iMAL 
Composting testimonial video still thumbnail with text

Compos[t]ing testimonial with iMAL 
Anthos testimonial video still thumbnail with text

Anthos testimonial with iMAL
Invisible Seeds testimonial video still thumbnail with text

Invisible Seeds testimonial with iMAL 
Lament testimonial video still thumbnail with text

Lament testimonial with iMAL
Entanglement of desert water_Laser talk promo image_text with desert landscape at the bottom and researcher in field in right hand corner

Entanglement of Desert Water by Penelope Cain
EUSO forum thumbnail for video

Soil Sciences & Arts at the EU Soil Observatory Stakeholder Forum

JRC SciArt Events

Cover picture (title and speaker) for conference by Oron Catts on Promethean Art

Oron Catts on: "Post Promethean Art"             


Screenshot title slide of Postgrowth presentation (title and details)

Sofia Greaves on: "Art & Science for Postgrowth"


Art+Science+Policy Nexus LASER talk thumbnail - title, speaker and background

Art+Science+Policy Nexus by Dr. Kat Austen


Jan Boelen talk at JRC event thumbnail

Jan Boelen on "Post-industrial and post-growth production" JRC SciArt x Belgian cultural Semester 2024


Geert Buelens talk at JRC thumbnail

Geert Buelens on "The Forgotten Green History" JRC SciArt x Belgian cultural Semester 2024


Ele Carpenter Presentation thumbnail

Ele Carpenter on "Curating Nuclear Futures: Decolonising the Nuclear Anthropocene"


STARTS symposium icon

Sofia Greaves presenting SciArt research on the panel "Confronting values and measures in projects and policies" at S+T+ARTS Symposium 2024 




NaturArchy Presentations of Residency

Screenshot title slide of Ocean Connections presentation (Visual of the Oslofjord, title and details)

Ocean Connections 
Screenshot title slide of The Entanglement of Desert Water - people raising a flag on a mountain side

The Entanglement of Desert Water
Screenshot title slide of Composting presentation (title and details)

Screenshot title slide of These Relations are Forever presentation (title and details)

These Relations Are Forever 
Screenshot title slide of Synocene presentation (title and details)

Screenshot title slide of Anthos presentation (title and details)

Screenshot title slide of Ghosts of the Anthropocene presentation (title and details)

Haunted Waters
Screenshot title slide of Plastic Magnitudes presentation (title and details)

Plastic Magnitudes
Screenshot title slide of Politics in Disguise presentation (title and details)

Politics in Disguise 
Cover picture for Specterals of Nature presentation (text and speakers and visual) for JRC

Specter[al]s of Nature
Template image for the Tipping Point installation - visual rendering of metronomes in a circle

The Tipping Point
Screenshot of presentation on Lament (text and details)

on many worlds text and image of artists making a textile -video player for archive

Invisible Seeds 

Summer School Conference Recordings

Changing the Ground Talk Series 2021-2022

Cover picture (title and speaker) for conference by Derrick de Kerchove on quantum ecologies

Changing the Ground
Cover picture for lecture by Michael John Gorman - what is science communication in times of planetary crisis?

What next for Science Commiunication?
Cover picture (title and speaker) for conference by Francesca Ferrando on artificial intelligence and philosophy

Who's Afraid of Artificial Intelligence
Cover picture (title and speaker) for conference by Alexander Wednt on quantum theory

Quantum Theory as Critical Theory
Cover picture (title and speaker) for conference by Derrick de Kerchove on the metaverse

Not the Metaverse, the "Metacity"
Cover picture (title and speaker) for conference by Nicola Scott on art curation

Re-thinking Race, Identity and Migration
Cover picture (title and speaker) for conference by Piero Dominici on Black Swans

Educating to inhabit hypercomplexity
Cover picture (title and speaker) for conference by Ariane Koek on the Magic of Making Sense(s)

The Magic of Making Sense/s
Changing the Ground by Chris Watkin conference slide for naturarchy summer school, title and details

Renewing our Mental Models