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JRC Art & Science Testimonials: what do they say about us?

So, what is Art & Science at JRC actually like? 

Here's what some of the participants of the Resonances IV edition have to say about it! Click on any of the tiles below to find out more...

JD Whitman testimonial video screenshot 2

This is the first time that researchers have been enthusiastic to share their work with me

JD Whitman

Artist, Plastic Magnitudes

Saskia Vermeylen testimonial video call screenshot

The artist really listened to what we want to explore in our own practice 

Saskia Vermeylen

Researcher, These Relations are Forever

Specterals of Nature testimonial video call screenshot 3

There's not many other places where I can work with these kind of scientist

Ingrid Mayrhofer-Hufnagl

Artist & architect, Specter[al]s of Nature

Composting team testimonial video screenshot

It's a lot about translation into different languages

Ingrid Ogenstedt & Ingrid Mayrhofer-Hufnagl

Artists, Compos[t]ing

Penelope Cain testimonial video screenshot

These kind of knowledge exchanges only happen by getting together

Penelope Cain

Artist, The Entanglement of Desert Water 

Specterals of Nature testimonial video call screenshot 2

You have to trust and go beyond initial doubt in interdisciplinary interactions

Elahe Rajabiani

Designer & researcher, Specter[al]s of Nature

Ocean Connections testimonial video screenshot 2

One of the possibilities of art is to combine different knowledges

Kristin Bergaust

Artist, Ocean Connections

Specterals of Nature testimonial video call screenshot 3

It was interesting to realise how different disciplines see the world differently

Ingrid Mayrhofer-Hufnagl

Artist & architect, Specter[al]s of Nature

Lucia Iglesias Blanco testimonial video call screenshot

A benefit I received from this programme is to discuss about my work in different ways

Lucia Iglesias Blanco

Policymaker, Lament

Specterals of Nature testimonial video call screenshot

It made me look at my science differently

Alan Belward

Researcher, Specter[al]s of Nature

JD Whitman testimonial video screenshot 1

My mind is absoloutley blown

JD Whitman

Artist, Plastic Magnitudes

Caterina Cacciatori solo testimonial video screenshot

The idea development process was important

Caterina Cacciatori

Researcher, These Relations are Forever

Diana Vieira testimonial video screenshot 1

And the artwork that is made is exclusive of my work

Diana Vieira

Researcher, Lament

Nonhuman Nonsense and Caterina Cacciatori testimonial video screenshot 2

It's really that the art becomes part of the science

Caterina Cacciatori

Researcher, Haunted Waters

Synocene testimonial video call screenshot

We were all artists & engineers at the same time

Isabelle Hupont Torres

Researcher, Synocene

Ocean Connections testimonial video screenshot 3

This residency was like another PhD for me!

Guillermo Garcia Sanchez

Researcher, Ocean Connections

Yiannis Kranidiotis testimonial video screenshot

Important things come from collaborations 

Yiannis Kranidiotis

Artist, The Tipping Point

Diana Vieira testimonial video screenshot 1

Many more collaborations can come from this

Diana Vieira

Researcher, Lament

Anthos team testimonial video call screenshot

We need interdisciplinary teams that can really change things

Giovanni Randazzo

Artist, Anthos

Politics in disguise testimonial video call screenshot

These intersections are interesting because art has a social responsibility

Claus Lam Yong Schoening

Artist, Politics in Disguise

Nonhuman Nonsense and Caterina Cacciatori testimonial video screenshot 1

There's a sense of hopefulness since people want to do these collaborations

Filips Stanislasvkis

Artist, Haunted Waters

Nonhuman Nonsense and Caterina Cacciatori testimonial video screenshot 2

As scientists we're missing the more emotional aspect... So it was a good match!  

Caterina Cacciatori

Researcher, Haunted Waters

Ocean Connections testimonial video screenshot 3

In these transdisciplinary fields it is very difficult to see an "end"

Guillermo Garcia Sanchez

Researcher, Ocean Connections