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Politics in Disguise

A project being developed in the framework of Resonances IV on NaturArchy.

Project description

What are the politics of the earth systems? How did values develop in and around us, that inform those politics? Can we learn from our surroundings how to make policies that take on responsibilities for molecules as well as humans? Knowledge from policy analysis, evolutionary and behavioural biology and ecology will be focused in a multi species performative attempt to vitalise the spaces of human politics for a sustainable future.

Politics in Disguise video still for postcard
Politics in Disguise still; credits: Claus Schöning 

Claus Schöning is a trained biologist and artist from Berlin. His works make use of sound and music, moving image and objects to demonstrate how a human condition is embedded in a scientific practice. Julian Keimer is a researcher and knowledge manager at the European Commission Joint Research Centre. He co-authored the recent report "Values and identities - a policymaker‘s guide“. The pair first met and connected at the @SciArt Summer School on the topic of NaturArchy which took place in June 2022 at the JRC.