Between 03/08/2023 - 09/08/2023, Jemma Woolmore was back at JRC to start the production of her work, These Relations are Forever, planning the rituals with Sandra Coecke, Irene Guerrero and Caterina Cacciatori and filming Caterina's ritual - enjoy some behind the scenes pictures as we wait for the finished product!

These Relations are Forever weaves a speculative story of ritual and healing, where scientific and policy outcomes are intertwined with artistic processes through the thematic thread of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs).
Four researchers will be the focus of the work, presented as Wise Women, holders of knowledge and protectors of life; their scientific practices are reframed as relations of care and ritual becomes a vehicle to make connections across bodies, scales, cycles and scientific disciplines.
Jemma also filmed the ritual with Saskia Vermeylen in Berlin in August and she will be back in October to continue the production of the rituals, so stay tuned!
- Publication date