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JRC SciArt at Archipelago of Possible Futures Symposium (NEB Festival)

On 11th April 2024 Adriaan Eeckels and Caterina Benincasa from JRC SciArt will participate to the two afternoon working sessions of the Archipelago of Possible Futures Symposium - A new European platform for arts, technology and ecology: instruments, funding & investment and Visions and plans for the future - organised as part of the New European Bauhaus Festival

Details on how to attend can be found on the website

The Archipelago of Possible Futures Symposium gathers artists, designers, architects, technologists, curators and representatives of festivals, museums, biennales, design and architecture centres and more from all of the Union and beyond, to contribute to the production of a vision document and manifesto.

What: Working sessions of the Archipelago of Possible Futures 

When: 13:00-17:30; Thursday 11/04/2024 

Where: Art & History Museum, Cinquantenaire Park 10, 1000 Brussels

PLEASE NOTE: this event is not open to walk ins for public attendance. 


13H - 15H Working session 2: A new European platform for arts, technology and ecology: instruments, funding & investment - Coordinated by Francesca Bria. Participants: Boris Marte, CEO Erste Foundation; Luca Perego, Head of Unit Innovation and EIT European Commission; Bernd Fesel, CEO EIT Culture and Technology; Peter Friess, Project Officer STARTS, European Commission, DG Connect; Gerfried Stocker, Director Ars Electronica; Marc Brandsma, CEO Cult Tech Vienna; Prodromos Tsiavos, Onassis Foundation; Bettina Kames, Director Light Arts Space Berlin; Vittorio Loreto, Director Sony Arts & Science; Rosa Ferré, Co-director TBA 21; Maria Grazia Mattei, Director MEET Milan; Adriaan Eeckels, JRC SciArt Project Leader; Hedwig Fijen, Director Manifesta. 

15H30 - 17H30 Working session 3: Visions and plans for the future - Coordinated by José Luis Vincente. Participants: Stephan Petermann, architect; Manuel Cirauqui, curator, Guggenheim Bilbao Museum; Maria Iglesias, European Commission DG EAC; Olga Sismanidi, Policy Officer DG EAC; Jose-Carlos Mariategui, founder Alta Tecnología Andina – ATA; Dirk Snauwaert, Director, Wiels Museum of Contemporary Art, Brussels; Alexander Mankowsky, futurist; John Palmesino, Territorial Agency, London; Anab Jain, Superflux; Caterina Benincasa, JRC SciArt Project Leader; Pierre Francois Marteau, Cult Tech Vienna.


Publication date