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SciArt: Science art society

JRC SciArt @ Trieste Next | 28/09/2024

On Saturday 28/09/2024 from 18:00 to 19:15, SciArt project curator Caterina Benincasa will participate to the conference titled: Sharing Intellingence: Scientific, Artistic and the Humanities as part of the Scientific Pathways track of Trieste Next - scientific research festival, Area Science Park (Trieste, IT) - dedicated to exploring the dialogue between science, innovation and creativity. 

Together with Francesca Cuturello (Area Science Park researcher), Daria Jelonek (media artist, researcher and designer), Vincenzo Napolano (communications for European Gravitational Observatory) e Lulù Nuti (artist), the event will expand upon the permeations between the different worlds of theatre, science, technological innovation and sculpture, and how these can interact by means of artistic residencies. The event wil take place in English.

About this event on Trieste Next: 

Register to attend in person: 

More information about the events in this section, and how to register, here: 


Real or virtual spaces where different kinds of knowledge and experience find fertile grounds for dialogue. Contaminations and exhanges between different worlds: from theatre to science, from technological innovation to sculpture. These are the ground elements for implementing artist in residence programs, which enable artists and creatives to experiment and test out new idea developments, skills, and projects, operating in different settings than usual. This event will present and discuss different cases of artists in residence.




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