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Margherita Pevere @ Crowdsourcing knowledge on depression mechanisms | Workshop @ JRC Ispra

SciArt will participate in the scientific expert workshop on "Crowdsourcing knowledge on depression mechanisms: from risk factors to treatment" organised by the JRC taking place on 19th- 20th April 2023 (online & JRC Ispra). The workshop aims to contribute to a comprehensive, holistic approach to depression risk factors, mechanisms, prevention, treatment and resilience activity of the European Commission.

The event is taking place with the contribution of experts in the field of neurobiology, mental health, depression, new approach methods, nutrition, non-conventional health therapies and community-based prevention and resilience looking at what are the issues, risk factors, mechanism and the way we do primary, secondary and tertiary care.

Interdisciplinary artist Margherita Pevere, who recently published her book "The Arts of Vulnerability", and is currently working on a JRC related science-art-policy project/artwork by the title Lament, will take the floor on the morning of the 20th of April to discuss aspects of eco-anxiety, solastalgia and how to think of death beyond a human-only terms:

How to engage with death in times of eco-disruption with the hope to formulate alliances with nature that are not based on exploitation? How may art contribute to address death, a pervasive taboo in western culture? My long-term project unframing death (2022-2026) addresses those questions through bioart, performance and writing. Within Unframing death, Lament artistically engages with ecological grief by responding to the changes in an ecosystem after anthropogenic wildfires.

Celine Charveriat, independent environmentalist, previous director of IEEP, currently on the curatorial board of the JRC SciArt project will also be participating.

Check out the full agenda.Interested in joining the event? Contact for the Webex details.


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