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Food futures — Sustainable food systems

We're excited to promote the publication of the report Food futures — Sustainable food systems by Sonja Stummerer and Martin Hablesreiter (artist duo Honey & Bunny), which expands the conversation on Farm to Fork strategy through artistic methods. 

Honey & Bunny participated to Resonances I and Resonances II as resident artists and participated with a lecture in both the Resonances III and Resonances IV Summer School


The Farm to Fork strategy is a cornerstone of the European Green Deal. It strives for a fair, healthy and environmentally friendly food system fulfilling the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The strategy presents the policy perspective: the case for action; the need to build a new food chain; the imperative for a just and fair transition benefitting all actors within the EU and beyond. Essentially, it puts forward the grand plan for sustainable food systems. But what about the people perspective? How do our values, our culture and our individual views of the world influence how far policy can drive change in the way we think about food, and how willing we are to really embrace sustainable food systems? Such pivotal questions are not only scientific in nature, so we looked to the JRC’s Art & Science programme and our artists in residence, Sonja Stummerer and Martin Hablesreiter (honey & bunny) to help us explore what goes into the making of a sustainable sandwich, and how will it taste?! Although this beautifully illustrated book is the unique creation of Sonja and Martin, their research was enriched through lively engagement with scientists from across the JRC who work in numerous fields linked to the complex world of sustainable food systems. Our hope is that the book serves to create healthy conversation and debate, to make the implicit explicit, and to explore collectively the emotional challenges that lie on the horizon.

Read & download the full report 

JRC Publications Repository link 


European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Stummerer, S., Hablesreiter, M., Food futures : sustainable food system, Publications Office of the European Union, 2023, 


Publication date