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Feeling Science on JRC Publications Repository

Can't wait for or can't make it to the Feeling Science performance in Monte-Carlo? Catch up on the recently published Workbook and Script of the play (both Italian versions) on the JRC Publications Repository.

The Workbook documents the year and a half long process of experimental work at the intersections of theatre and science. Written by the playwright, Angela Dematté, it aims to supplement and contextualise the theatre play, Feeling Science, which aims to bring the audience into the work, stories and lives of these 8 JRC researchers.

The Script is in fact the text which resulted from the process documented in the Workbook and was performed in shows in Varese IT (21/10/2022) and Lugano CH (01/12/2022).

Check out the publications!

Feeling Science Workbook (Italian) - JRC Publication

Feeling Science Script (Italian) - JRC Publication


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