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Art-science collaborations as tools for place-based transformations

Addressing complex challenges requires different tools, mind- sets and approaches to the ones traditionally used. Climate change, biodiversity loss and rising inequalities are some of the complex and systemic problems we face. Innovation alone cannot help us tackle such problems or achieve the transformations needed as set out in the European Green Deal, the EU’s own ‘socio-economic transformation strategy’. 


As a response, the Innovation for place-based transformations. ACTIONbook, practices and tools focuses fully on implementation, on turning the new concepts that allows one to make sense of the increasing complexity and variety of the territorial problems policymakers face into policies implemented on the ground. It takes a user-oriented and operational approach and focuses on how to make policy activities more transformative. It is a result of a co-creative effort with Partnerships for Regional Innovation (PRI) stakeholders – from PRI pilot participants to the PRI Scientific Committee and from academics and experts to our partners at the European Committee of the Regions. 

Within this work, art-science practices have been recognised, through the work of JRC SciArt, as tools which can help users reflect on how to do things differently and make innovation policies be part of the collective purpose-driven change necessary to achieve place-based transformations. 

Collaborations between artists, scientists and policymakers have the potential to root scientific and expert knowledge (back) within a socio-cultural context, making these more relatable and thus meaningful and relevant to a non-expert public. 

The contribution of JRC SciArt illustrates arts and creative practices as key to cultural transformations – enabling systemic shifts, as well as vibrant and socially robust knowledge ecosystems. It highlights the role of art-science collaborations as contributors to knowledge valorisation, contesting disciplinary silos, and co-creating new imaginaries for research and governance. 

Through various case studies, the tool spotlights the benefits – be it social, commercial, cultural, educational or policy - brought about by supporting the inclusion of artistic and transdisciplinary practices in a variety of organisations, administrations, and governance instances for systemic innovation and multilevel governance of a territory. 

Download the full Innovation for place-based transformations. ACTIONbook, practices and tools.

How to cite this document: Bianchi, G., Matti, C., Pontikakis, D., Reimeris, R., Haegeman, K.H., Miedzinski, M., Sillero Illanes, C., Mifsud, S., Sasso, S., Bol, E., Marques Santos, A., Andreoni, A., Janssen, M., Saublens, C., Stefanov, R. and Tolias, Y., Innovation for place-based transformations, Bianchi, G. editor(s), Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2024, doi:10.2760/463723, JRC135826.


JRC SciArt's contribution to Innovation for place-based transformations:

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