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Post-industrial and post-growth production Conference by Jan Boelen @ JRC Ispra

On 29/02/2024 at 12:00 PM Jan Boelen will return to JRC, giving a conference as part of the Belgian Semester 2024 programme of events, in collaboration with JRC SciArt.  

He will present Atelier Luma which experiments with artists, designers, scientists and entrepreneurs to develop local sustainable solutions to existing industrial problems, such as the algae in the estuaries of the Rhône or the stalks on sunflower fields after the harvest. Atelier Luma has developed a new transdisciplinary, local and sustainable method that comes close to a real green technology. The method is by now applied in 39 different regions.

JRC colleagues are invited to attend the talk on site, and later attend a seminar organised by JRC SciArt together with Jan Boelen. 

Jan Boelen has previously visited JRC during the 2022 SciArt Summer School and gave a lecture on green technologies.ù

Watch a recording of the talk on 23/02 at this link

What: The post-industrial and post-growth production | Talk by Jan Boelen at JRC with Belgian Presidency 2024.

Where: JRC Ispra & Online - webstream link:

When: 29/02/2024, 12:00 PM - 15:00 CET 

About Jan Boelen

Jan Boelen (1967, Belgium) is a curator of design, architecture, and contemporary art. He is the artistic director of Atelier LUMA, an experimental laboratory for design in Arles, France. Boelen studied Product Design at the Media & Design Academy in Genk and is the founder and former artistic director of Z33 – House for contemporary art in Hasselt, Belgium. He was curator of the 4th Istanbul Design Biennial in Istanbul (2018) and initiated Manifesta 9 in Belgium (2012). Lastly, Boelen curated the Lithuanian Pavilion Planet of People in the Venice Architecture Biennial (2021). Over the years, he has fashioned projects and exhibitions that encourage visitors to look at everyday objects in a novel manner. Boelen recently edited Social Matter, Social Design: For Good or Bad, all Design is Social (Valiz, 2020), and Muller Van Severen: Dialogue (Walther Koenig, 2021). His writing addresses the implications of design in everyday life and how artistic practices shape the discipline. 



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