On 13/06/2024 , in the framework of the public programme adjoint to the NaturArchy exhibition, a panel will be held on What is the role of arts and science in European forest resilience against wildfires? from 10:00 - 13:00 CET at the CDMA building in Brussels (21 Rue du Champ de Mars / Marsveldstraat 21, B-1050).
This panel follows the collaboration of artist Margherita Pevere with FIRE-RES Europe for the work Lament, which will be exhibited at the NaturArchy exhibition. This collaboration led to the community engagement part of the work, as Margherita Pevere and Celine Charveriat worked with inhabitants of Portuguese community of Santa Comba Dão who faced a megafire in 2017, during the artwork's production phase. This allowed them to emotionally and psychologically address the grief of this area with its inhabitants as it was affected by the fire and has produced a scar-map which will be unveiled at the exhibition on 12/06. The panel will be conducted in English.
Watch a recording of the event
To attend this event, please register by sending an email to JRC-RESONANCES@ec.europa.eu by Friday 07th June 18:00 CET. The physical space is limited to 20 people so spots will be given on a first come first served basis. Detailed instructions for accessing the JRC building will be provided upon registration.
Pevere will be unveiling the work Lament with a performance on 12/06 at 19:00 at iMAL.

In terms of wildfires, 2023 was among the worst years in Europe in a century. With climate impacts and increasing socioeconomic vulnerability, strengthening the resilience of forest ecosystems and communities is paramount for the EU. While the human factor is a key driver of the degradation and destruction of forests, there is often a predominant focus on technical solutions for forest management, rather than considering broader societal changes. Consequently, the potential role of culture and arts, informed by science, in actively engaging citizens in the implementation of the New EU Forest Strategy for 2030 might be underestimated or overlooked.
We aim to explore how culture and arts, informed by science, can contribute to strengthening the resilience of EU forests against wildfires over the next years. Our goal is to formulate concrete policy-relevant recommendations for the future.
- Francis Joy: Researcher on the re-emergence of Sámi spirituality and member of Northern Art, Community and Environment Research (NACER)
- Margherita Pevere: Bioartist, Researcher, and Performer, part of the Lament project
- Tânia Ricardo from the Community of Santa Comba Dão, recently involved in an artistic experimentation led by the LAMENT project
- Conceição Colaço: Researcher on Fire Education and Communities from ISA/ULisboa and FIRE RES
Beatrice Bellaria - EUROMONTANA European association of mountain areas
What: What is the role of arts and science in European forest resilience against wildfires?
Where: Joint Research Center (JRC)’s Headquarters, CDMA Building, 21 Rue du Champ de Mars / Marsveldstraat 21, B-1050 Brussels & Webex (contact JRC-RESONANCES@ec.europa.eu for the link)
When: 13/06/2024, 10:00 - 13:00 CET
Hybrid (20 in-person participants, and possibility to follow online) - email JRC-RESONANCES@ec.europa.eu to receive the link
To attend this event, please register by sending an email to JRC-RESONANCES@ec.europa.eu by Friday 07th June 18:00 CET. The physical space is limited to 20 people so spots will be given on a first come first served basis. Detailed instructions for accessing the JRC building will be provided upon registration.
Organizers and Supporters
This event is organized by Pro(to)topia Consulting, with the support of CoLAB ForestWISE, the School of Agriculture | Instituto Superior de Agronomia – ULisboa, Euromontana, the EU-funded project FIRE RES, and the JRC SciArt Project Lament.
On 12 June, the day before the panel discussion, the LAMENT project will be presented in a performance at the iMAL Art Center for Digital Cultures & Technology in Brussels. The performance will be followed by a ‘show and tell’ event with the artists to present the participatory artwork developed together with the inhabitants of the community of Santa Comba Dão (PT).
Contact Information
You can see here the Flyer of the event. For any inquiries, please contact us at JRC-RESONANCES@ec.europa.eu.
- Publication date