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Feeling Science @ Festival della Meraviglia

On Sunday 14th May 2023, Feeling Science - the theatre & science, cross-disciplinary play produced by JRC SciArt in collaboration with Parola di Donna Varese - was screened at the Festival della Meraviglia event in Laveno (IT), followed by a panel on science, culture and society with participation by Naouma Kourti (JRC SciArt and Feeling Science actress). The screening and discussion were enthusiastically received and a fitting conclusion to the festival, showing how this initiative continues to be a hit with the local and research communities.

Still of the theatre play Feeling Science with actresses on stage

Full Panel:  
Flavia Marinelli Uni Insubria, representative of the Director of Research  
Barbara Pozzo Uni Insubria, representative of the Director of Gender Equality and Equal Opportunity 
Naouma KourtiJoint Reserach Centre, senior scientist 
Alessandra Zampieri Joint Research Centre, director 

Moderated by Frank Raes, ex-JRC & founder of the Museum of Anthropocene Technology


  • May 14, 2023 7:30 PM 
  • Location: Officine dell'Acqua, Laveno (IT)

More about Feeling Science

Project by Angela Dematté and Simona Gonella. Jointly directed by Simona Gonella and Andrea Chiodi. Screenplay by Angela Dematté. Assistant playwright - Gianluca Madaschi. Scientific counsel provided by JRC SciArt. Video recording directed by Fabio Bilardo. Light design by Marco Grisa. Music by Ferdinando Baroffio. Joint creation and performance by JRC researchers: Sandra Coecke, Naouma Kourti, Matina Halkia, Alba Bernini, Isabella Cerutti, Rosanna di Gioia, Agnes Hegedus, Nicole Ostlaender, Joanna Bartnicka in collaboration with actress Franca Maria de Monti. Organised by JRC SciArt in collaboration with Parola di Donna Varese.



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