After its premiere at the 2022 Speculum Artium festival on the 23rd September 2022 with an experimental biosonification performance-process, Symphotree...
...the research-artistic video Taming the Forest will also be presented within the exhibition "COMPOSING LOCAL ECOLOGIES", introduced by pETER Purg at 20:00 hrs on the 14/10, at the RETHINKABLE international festival of transformative economies.
- Oct 14 2022
- Location: Gorzia (Italy) and Nova Gorica (Slovenia)
More on the collaboration between JRC SciArt and the University of Nova Gorica.
More on Taming the Forest and Speculum Artium.
Read the full Taming the Forest text.

About RETHINKABLE Festival
Starting on October 14 (running from 14/10 to 16/10 and 20/10 to 22/10), this cross-border Festival on transformative economies, unites Italy and Slovenia by taking place between Gorizia and Nova Gorica. Focusing on movements and actions to counteract climate change, together with guests and certified partners, conversations will address a turn towards a fairer and more eco-friendly socio-economic model, which safeguards the environment as well as human relations.
- Publication date