Discover local materials, alternative building sources and digital twins with the the Compos[t]ing Team – Ingrid Mayrhofer-Hufnagl, Ingrid Ogenstedt, Jonah Lynch and ERC researcher Jaime Gomez-Ramirez in Brussels next week!
After a successful first week in residency at the JRC in Ispra in February, where they met with researchers from the European Laboratory for Structural Assessment, the Africa Knowledge Platform, the Soil group, Compos[t]ing goes to Brussels to engage with the local site of the Parc du Cinquantennaire and collect building materials in view of the final sculpture. The large-scale site-specific installation constructed out of bio-based materials and soils from the area of Brussels, wants to talk about soil health, biodiversity, construction methods and craftsmanship undervalued knowledge, weaving materiality and monumentality with weathering, circularity and heritage of place.
They will also meet with Jaime in person and be able to further expand on the complex networks and digital twin aspects of the project. We invite interested colleagues in Brussels to seize the chance to meet our artists, discuss and find out how you can be involved.
This residency is being conducted in the framework of Resonances IV on NaturArchy: Towards a Natural Contract.

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