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Haunted Waters Survey

We are collecting stories, histories and material evidence from all over the world about bodies of water that are “haunted” by chemical contamination. Contaminants are substances that due to different factors have ended up in our waters. Just like ghosts, they are invisible to the naked eye, relate to local historic events and are trapped in places where they aren’t meant to be. To learn how to live with these ghosts, first, we need to get to know them and their stories.

Nonhuman Nonsense are inviting you to join them as ghost hunters and share your stories, histories and material evidence from all over the world about bodies of water that are “haunted” by chemical contamination, by filling out the survey at:

This survey will provide content for their project Haunted Waters, which aims to make the invisible contaminants visible. The project is being developed in the framework of Resonances IV on NaturArchy together with JRC researcher Caterina Cacciatori

You also find this survey published also in the WWQA Newsletter.


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