- Knowledge Valorisation Platform includes examples of best practice, links with further information and contact details
- S+T+ARTS collaboration toolkit and S+T+ARTS Collaboration Roadmap - a tool to launch and monitor Science + Tech + ARTS collaborations
- Harnessing the power of European Regions Through S+T+ARTS - programming strategies for building sustainable, regionally focused art-science-technology networks, including policy recommendations at European, national and regional level
- New European Bauhaus
a creative and interdisciplinary initiative of the European Commission that connects the European Green Deal to our living spaces and experiences. - S+T+ARTS
an initiative of the European Commission to support collaborations between artists, engineers, researchers and industry. - Creative Europe
Social impact
- The Role of the Artist in Society [report] (2023)
- The Role of the Arts in the Digital Transformation [report] (2020)
- The Social and Civic Impact of the Arts [report] (2020)
- The New European Bauhaus intiative of the European Commission [initiative]
Commercial impact
- The Role of Art in Enterprise [report] (2020)
Cultural Impact
- The Missing Pillar – Culture’s Contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals
- Why and How to Engage Artists in Science (2023)
Breaking down the artificial barriers between science and art can lead to collaborations, broaden the understanding of problems facing communities, and grow engagement to explore solutions.
Organisational Impact
- An Organizational Perspective on ArtScience Collaboration - Opportunities and Challenges of Platforms to Collaborate with Artists (2020)
Educational Impact
- The STEAM revolution - Transdisciplinary Approaches to Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Humanities and Mathematics (2019)
Knowledge Valorisation
- Opening up knowledge systems for better responses to global environmental change. Cornell, S. et al. (2013). Environ. Sci. Policy 28, 60–70. doi: 10.1016/J.ENVSCI.2012.11.008
- Fostering knowledge valorisation through the arts and cultural institutions (2022).
A study presenting many practices of involving arts and cultural organisations in knowledge valorisation.
Policy Impact
- The Art + Science + Policy Nexus [report] 2023
- Doing Science with Art & Art with Science Supporting art contamination and cross-fertilization with science [policy brief] (2022)
- Designing support measures promoting connections between artists and ICT, by RegionArts [Policy Booklet] (2020)
- Overview of EU policies and studies related to entrepreneurship and innovation in cultural and creative sectors (2018)
- Policy Handbook on Artists’ Residencies (2011-14)