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Biodiversity, climate change and energy | JRC Publication

A JRC Publication concerning synergies and potential trade-offs in combating climate change and biodiversity loss, as well as the relevant EU policies and projects. 

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We are facing a planetary emergency caused by interdependent biodiversity loss and climate change. Whilst climate change is itself a major driver of biodiversity loss, climate change and biodiversity loss also share many anthropogenic drivers and reinforce each other's impacts. It is thus crucial for actions directed at climate change mitigation and adaptation to be synergistic with those addressing biodiversity loss. Actions addressing the two crises of climate and biodiversity separately, while overlooking their intertwined and mutually reinforcing nature, are likely to fail. The energy sector is a key element of climate change mitigation strategy, which, if poorly planned, could adversely affect biodiversity. In this study we describe the synergies and potential trade-offs in combating climate change and biodiversity loss, as well as the relevant EU policies and projects.


Prakash, S. and Neuville, A., Biodiversity, climate change and energy, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2024, doi:10.2760/755341, JRC134744.

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