Lament explores post-wildfire ecology in soil, offering a space where ecological and more-than-human death and grief are dignified and where fires are treated as a phenomenon that belongs to the co-evolution of ecosystems and humans. At the same time, the work engages with current ecological shifts and fractures, encompassing changing fire regimes, vulnerable ecosystems, and their less perceivable but highly relevant interplay with soil.
Developed over eighteen months of research, the work combines ecological observation, bioart, sculpture, exchange with scientists and independent experts, musical composition, philosophical inquiry and encounters with communities who experienced devastating wildfires. The latter resulting in an emotional fire-scar map.
Lament features a performance with sounds of cello and burned wood. Onstage are organic elements from a wildfire site and sculptural pieces: hanging glass sculptures containing soil, soil on the floor and a costume made of tree barks. After the performance, these remain as a more-than-human deathbed installation for the exhibition. The audience is invited to notice the tiny changes inside the glass sculptures, which evoke untold stories of soil ecology.
Full essay coming soon!!
Performance: 40 mins performance for solo performer, cello and live electronics
Installation: 4×7 m, glassware, rope, soil from burnt woods, paper Community engagement program based on sensory mapping
Margherita Pevere with Ivan Penov | Céline Charvériat, Lucía Iglesias Blanco & Diana Vieira Community engagement program in Santa Comba Dão (PT) with the support by ForestWISE and FIRE RES
Related links:
- Residency Project: https://science-art-society.ec.europa.eu/lament
- Presentation of Residency @ JRC: https://science-art-society.ec.europa.eu/presentations-residency#naturarchy-presentations-of-residency
- Lament website & performance trailer: https://margheritapevere.com/lament/
- Interview with iMAL during the NaturArchy exhibition: https://science-art-society.ec.europa.eu/sites/default/files/video-thumbnails/2024-10/2024_iMAL_NaturArchy_Lament_A_1080p%20%281%29.mp4

Margherita Pevere: concept, performance, installation, bio-protocols, costume and glassware design
Ivan Penov: music (composed and performed by)
Diana Viera / JRC: scientific advisor
Céline Charveriat / Pro(to)topia Consulting: research advisor
Lucía Iglesias Blanco / Nature Conservation Unit (DG for Environment, European Commission): conservation advisor
Jurica Mlinarec: project management
Lena Böckann: costume maker
Jason Hitchcock / Berlin Flameworking Studio, Berlin Glass: glassblowing
Caterina De Donato: studio assistant
Romane Iskaria: photography
Daniele Lucchini: video
Realised with the support of NaturArchy – Resonances Project at the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission
Special thanks to: Alfredo Branco, Daniele De Rigo, Margherita di Leo, Duarte Oom, Jesus San Miguel
Mattia Bianco, Marco Donnarumma, Mira Fabjan, Alessandro Ruggero, Gianmarco Lupi, Marco Revelant.
Céline Charveriat: concept and direction
Margherita Pevere: concept and artistic direction
Conceição Colaço / CEABN InBIO, School of Agriculture (ISA), University of Lisbon (UL): scientific advisor and project overview, partnership coordination
Brigite Botequim / CoLAB ForestWISE: Partnership coordination and resource supporter
André Mota / Santa Comba Dão Fire fighters: on-site support
Madalena Ferreira / CoLAB ForestWISE: on-site mediation
Letícia Oliviera / CEABN InBIO, ISA-UL: documentation
Tania Ricardo / Municipality of Santa Comba Dão: psychological support
With the hospitality of the municipality and the voluntary firefighters of Santa Comba Dão (PT), and the kind participation of its citizens.
Realised with the support of NaturArchy – Resonances Project at the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, School of Agriculture (ISA) – University of Lisbon, CoLAB ForestWISE and FIRE RES – Innovative Technologies & socio-ecological-economic solutions for fire resilient territories in Europe.