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Roberto Paci Dalò @ JRC

Meet the artist

Roberto Paci Dalò - composer and musician (clarinets / live electronics), film maker, theatre director, visual and sound artist, author and radiomaker active for years on the international scene, creates his work starting with sound and drawing, then expanding to sculpture, installation, music, film, performance, and collaborative projects, between institution, the independent scene, and pop culture.

Art & Science and the New European Bauhaus Position Paper (continued collaboration with JRC)

Roberto has long been collaborating with the JRC SciArt project, on rendering art-science perspectives on the New European Bauhaus. 

The position paper resulting from the collective brainstorm of artists (including Roberto), experts and JRC SciArt, was published as an article on the journal Noema, wanting to illustrate the benefits that art and science can bring to the New European Bauhaus. This work attempts to showcase some of the small but important practical and theoretical differences that a creative dialogue between science and art and a cross-disciplinary culture can bring along. It has been signed by distinguished art&science practitioners internationally.

 As practitioners of SciArt we think that the NEB creates the opportunity to push these practices from niche to public field, thrusting SciArt beyond its conventional spaces (be it a lab, studio, exhibition or performance)... SciArt practitioners have hands-on experience in implementing artistic projects within scientific set-ups and vice-versa, often relating to a diversity of stakeholders, provoking new perspectives on exploration, introspection and behaviour – fostering meaning, emotions and values – both on an individual and societal scale.

Check it out at: Art|Science and the New European Bauhaus – NOEMA – Technology & Society (


eBAU book

Through his visits to JRC in 2021 and 2022, Roberto developed the concept for a book which would further expand on artists' perpectives towards the New European Bauhaus. 

To do this, he contacted and collected work, sketches and thoughts from previous artists in residence at JRC and compiled a book, titled eBAU, which was unveiled at the Resonances IV Summer School in June 2022. The book will be launched at the 2024 New European Bauhaus Festival.

The book was produced by JRC SciArt and published by Quodlibet Editore. Read more in an interview with Paci Dalò for Corriere Romagna.


About the book: eBAU is a collection of thoughts and ideas on what a New European Bauhaus could be. Not an essay, not an administrative document, not a plea nor a manifesto. Simply a series of suggestions morphing into fleeting visions, sudden vistas breaking through the fog of daily life. What can art mean for the European Bauhaus? What can artists bring to the idea of a new school that invents a new aesthetics, green and sustainable and equal, for a better world? Artist Roberto Paci Dalò shares his thoughts in drawings and texts. An artist’s book, a light collection of insights and incitements fluttering out of the page, to point to other realities that are ours to invent.

Publication infromation: Roberto Paci Dalò eBAU. Art Ideas for the New European Bauhaus © Roberto Paci Dalò © 2024 Quodlibet srl via Giuseppe e Bartolomeo Mozzi, 23 62100 Macerata, Italy  

Portrait of Roberto Paci Dalò with the eBAU book opened in front of him

Usmaradio at the Resonances IV Summer School (continued collaboration with JRC)

The SciArt team was most excited and thankful to receive coverage by Usmaradio (Roberto Paci Dalò and Alessandro Renzi) throughout the week of the Resonances IV Summer School.

Their presence resulted in a podcast series, comprised of recordings of the entire conference and short interviews recounting impressions of the week as well as previous art-science-policy experiences of participants.

This is not the first time that Usmaradio covered the goings of the SciArt project. You find links below to more podcasts, with info on the 2018 SciArt Summer School and the project's presence at Milano Digital Week 2019.

Tune in for more NaturArchy on Spreaker

About JRC SciArt: podcast by Usmaradio

Follow Usmaradio: 



Crown Quartet: A Natural Contract | Sound Art in Four Countries

To know the world is to breathe, to breathe is to savour the world. 

Highlight of resident artist Roberto Paci Dalò's participation the Resonances IV Summer School was his live radio concert with the Crown quartet (Zahra Mani, Roberto Paci Dalò, Tibor Szemző, Mia Zabelka). They performed “A Natural Contract”, created for Resonances IV and streamed on Usmaradio. The four artists were simultaneously connected via internet stream from their locations in Austria, Hungary, Italy, and Croatia. With Alessandro Renzi as station manager and sound engineer.