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JRC SciArt @ 10th International Degrowth Conference and 15th European Society for Ecological Economics Conference (ESEE)

On Thursday 20/06/2024 at 09:00 AM CET, JRC SciArt project leader, Adriaan Eeckels and Resonances IV artist Penelope Cain will take part in Special Session 127 titled Art and Science in Degrowth: A ManiQuesto as part of the the 10th International Degrowth Conference and the 15th Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics (ESEE) in Pontevedra (Galicia, Spain). The session will probe the importance of the arts for degrowth, the points of tension, contradiction and possibility.

This is a closed special session conducted in an interactive format lasting 1.5 hours. It is organised by a number of artists, scientists and policy makers.

Abstract: In this interactive arts-based session we will hear from artists and collectively explore new questions about the intersections between art and degrowth by creating a “ManiQuesto”. Inspired by the modernist Manifestos (Marx, Dada, Futurism, etc), the Maniquesto does not dictate what is, and is not, degrowth art. Instead, we will seek to provoke reflections and inspire conversations. 

To kick off the debate, we will hear presentations from artist Dr. Laura Donkers (New Zealand/UK) on ecological curation, artist Penelope Cain (Australia/Berlin) on documenting lithium extraction and Adriaan Eeckels, leader of the Science-Art project conducted by the JRC, knowledge service for the European Commission, about the “Naturarchy” project which invited artists and scientists “to re-imagine the western relation of human and non-human, in an attempt to ensure juridical persona to Nature’s many wonders, be they stardust or DNA.”

Contributions format: artistic

Keywords:  Sciart, post-normal science, institutional change, artists

Related track(s): 1. Imagining post-growth Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) futures / 10. Challenging dominant values, ideologies, and imaginaries

Organizers: Greaves, Sofia (Postgrowth Innovation Lab, University of Vigo, Spain); Eeckels, Adriaan (Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Italy); Cain, Penelope (Independent); Donders, Laura (Independent)

About the conference

The University of Vigo will be hosting the joint conference of the international degrowth research networks and the European Society for Ecological Economics in Pontevedra from 18 to 21 June 2024

The conference consists of two main components:

  • 10th International Degrowth Conference: The International Degrowth Conference has been held since 2008 in various cities including Paris, Barcelona, Berlin, Venice, Leipzig, Budapest, Malmö, Viena, Manchester, and The Hague. The upcoming 2023 edition will take place in Zagreb, before coming to Pontevedra in 2024.
  • 15th Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics: This conference is held biennially, with the previous edition taking place in Pisa, in 2022. The conference provides a forum for researchers to address the ecological, social, economic, and political dimensions of sustainability. 

What: Art and Science in Degrowth: A ManiQuesto

Where: University of Vigo, Pontevedra (Galicia, ES) 

When: 20/06/2024; 09:00 - 10:30 AM CET 



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