How does Artificial Intelligence perceive nature? Read the recently published National Geographic Spain feature on Synocene - Towards the Anthropocene, artwork and log-term project currently on show at the NaturArchy exhibition at iMAL in Brussels, and produced within the framework of NaturArchy: Towards a Natural Contract.
A project by artists Sam Nester and Marina Wainer in collaboration with policymakers from the European Commission's Directorate General for Environment (DG ENV) Lucia Iglesias Blanco and Marina Xenophontos and AI researcher Isabelle Hupont Torres from the Joint Research Centre.
Think of a natural environment that you know very well. A forest, a meadow, a beach... It can be any. Do you have it? Good! Now, if you can, try to remember a walk in that place. What it smells like, what you hear, what you see or what you touch. All these details are important in memory and constitute a part of our perception of the environment. But what if we modify the senses?
Imagine going back to that place. This time, however, we're going to equip you with some gadgets. First, a reflective mask that will make you anonymous to others and blend your figure into the landscape. Then, headphones that play amplified binaural beats, recorded in that same environment but on different days (you might be walking through a sunny space while listening to the rain). And now, with these changes... you're walking again! Do you think your perception of your surroundings would be the same?
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Mateu, Paula " ¿Cómo percibe la Inteligencia Artificial la naturaleza? Este proyecto científico-artístico trata de descubrirlo ", National Geographic Spain, 08 September 2024, online,
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