With delivery of proposals issuing from the Summer School on 31 August, the phase of selection gives the SciArt Curatorial Committee until 30 September to come up with a list of selected works that will be produced. This list is then sent to the Expert Board on 1 October for validation. Validation ends by 31 October/15 November (in function of the availability of the SciArt Experts), then is communicated to the participating artists/ SciArt Teams.
A week of conferences, panels and workshops around the theme of 'NaturArchy: towards a Natural Contract', that will treat the subject from five different angles, in order to favour discussions between artists, scientists and policymakers on how to tackle the subject best in view of creating collective artworks in support to the Green Deal.
The phase following the validation of Summer School proposals as they are selected and developed into projects.
" Pushing beyond Rousseau's social contract, NaturArchy: towards a Natural Contract, calls for a more inclusive and equitable contract with our environment. Establishing a different relation with nature is a prime condition to acquire the necessary attitudes and skills to combat global warming. To limit our tremendous environmental impact. To free nature from the onslaught of human development - do we need to re-articulate her immanent sovereignty and decolonise her into sustainability again? "