On October 10-13 2023, Jemma Woolmore was back at the JRC Ispra site to continue producing the rituals for the assemblage of her work, These Relations are Forever.
Collaborating with researchers Caterina Cacciatori, Sandra Coecke, Irene Guerrero Fernandez, and lawyer Saskia Vermeylen, Jemma explores our interconnectedness with Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals, celebrating the restorative abilities of both our bodies and ecosystems.
Each of the four researchers (Wise Women), whose work spans various points along the path of chemicals, starting from agriculture, via law and policy, passing through the human body, and eventually reaching water will feature in the ceremony representing their research.
Actively engaging with the EU One Health agenda, this part of the production addressed Irene’s and Sandra’s research highlighting the importance of allowing natural land restoration processes and the detrimental effects of pesticides on biodiversity.

After filming Saskia's ritual in Berlin, upon which Saskia further elaborates in Dancing the Law, and Caterina's ritual at the JRC in August, Jemma will continue the celebration of these rituals in her final installation for the upcoming exhibition, promising further insights into the present nature of EDCs and rituals, to acknowledge how future generations are and will be affected by these relations.
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