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Kristin Bergaust @ POM Conference 2024

On 22/04/2024 at 15:00, NaturArchy artist Kristin Bergaust presented the project Ocean Connections - currently being developed in the framework of NaturArchy together with  Guillermo Garcia Sanchez and Evangelos Voukouvalas - at the Politics of Machines (POM) Conference 2024 in Aachen (DE)

The presentation will be part of a Panel on Atmospheric and Aquatic Mediations, with Track 10 of the conference: Environmental Attunement as a Strategy for Ecological Engagement, which aligns with Kristin Bergaust's interest and the overarching NaturArching theme. 

More about POM 2024 & download the programme.

With the overarching theme “Lifelikeness & Beyond” the 4th Politics of the Machines conference organized by Käte Hamburger Kolleg: Cultures of Research at Aachen University seeks to bring together researchers and practitioners from a wide range of fields across the sciences, technology and the arts to develop imaginaries for possibilities that are still to be realized and new ideas of what the contingency of life is. 

The call also seeks to question what the limits between reality, fiction and imagination can be when we look for sources of action or new forms of collective action and of creating collectivities. What kind of imaginaries are needed to think of new forms of research and practice that effectively act as a counterbalance to the many crises of the present? What can we learn from a performed contingency about the community of the living and the non-living? How is the idea of contingency transformed when life and non-life are embedded within each other?

POM-conference series:

The overall thematic of the POM-conference series is the question of how the machine and technology impact and contextualize artistic and cultural production and our perception of the world. Moreover, it is aiming at investigating the histories, theories and practices of machines and technologies in-between and beyond disciplines. It seeks to question the governing ideas in the sciences and the humanities through critical engagement with and empowerment of activities of creative production in the relational field of culture – technology – umwelt.

The POM – Politics of The Machines is a conference series founded by Laura Beloff (Aalto University Helsinki) and Morten Søndergaard (Aalborg University Denmark).

More about Ocean Connections & Kristin @ JRC.

What: POM Conference 2024 

Where: Aachen University (DE)

When: Mon 22nd Apr 2024, 15:00 - 15:20



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