Have you ever met a ghost?
Nonhuman Nonsense are back on the JRC Ispra site next week (8th to 12th May) following an exciting week in March where they discussed with researchers from water quality management, remote sensing, toxicology, citizen engagement and education. A highlight of the week was their presentation where, together with Caterina Cacciatori (water quality management) they introduced their work and upcoming project, Ghosts of the Anthropocene, inviting participants to share stories of ghosts, local communities and bodies of water.

Where are the ghosts in your science, research, work, life?
During this next residency they will be further exploring the use of citizen science tools to search for “ghosts in the water”. To do this they will be collaborating with science embassies across the world, in connection with the Gems of Water project, using the kits as monitoring tools and collecting results for the final outcome. Whilst at the JRC they will be connecting with researchers from their previous visit, and are excited to meet anyone who might want to contribute to the project – if interested, get in touch!
This residency is being conducted in the framework of Resonances IV on NaturArchy: Towards a Natural Contract.

[Images: Ghosts of the Anthropocene Team at work and presenting during their first residency in March]
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