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SciArt: Science art society

Lament // Presentation of Residency

How to think of death beyond a human-only terms? 

How to engage with death in times of eco-disruption with the hope to formulate alliances with nature that are not based on exploitation? 

How may art contribute to address death, a pervasive taboo in Western culture? 

Come explore these questions and more at the presentation of residency of the project Lament by artist Margherita Pevere, together with Ivan Penov (artistic collaborator for sound), Lucia Iglesias Blanco (Natura 2000 policy), Céline Charveriat (citizen engagement and environmental activism) and Diana Vieira (JRC, wildfires). 

During her residency at JRC Ispra, Margherita has been able to connect with JRC researchers working on wildfires, soil and disaster risk management. She has also been able to further develop the project with her collaborators, working towards a final artwork which will artistically engage with ecological grief by responding to the changes in an ecosystem after anthropogenic wildfires. Lament will be a composite piece, taking shape as an installation, a performance and a series of citizen engagement initiatives for communities who have been affected by wildfires. 

This residency is taking place in the framework of Resonances IV on NaturArchy: Towards a Natural Contract.

Find out more about the groups’ work & research, joint collaboration and ideas for the final artwork during the presentation. 

The presentation will take place Wednesday 7th June at 3pm CET. It will be hybrid in format: Margherita will present in person on the JRC Ispra site and WEBEX attendance will be possible. Please contact if you would like to receive the link to attend or want to join in person. Please do come along to meet the wonderful team working on this project! 

What: Lament // presentation of residency

Where: JRC Ispra & webex (contact us for the link)

When: 07/06/2023, 3pm CET – 4pm CET

Watch the presentation recording: