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Anthos Catalogue Essay

Anthos installation view
Installation view of Anthos


Anthos is an immersive, interactive light and sound installation that highlights the importance of pollinators and demonstrates our anthropogenic effect on them. 

The audience enters an immersive space where they can experience the simulation of a plant-pollinator network, based on European biodiversity models. Live data from CO₂, temperature and humidity sensors is projected in the space, and affects the complex system controlling the visualisation. 

The work aims to to uncover potentially hidden secrets about plant-pollinator networks, their functions, and to show how the climate crisis is putting ever more strain on this natural and fragile system.

Environmental sensors, live data, realtime visualization & sonification

Full essay coming soon!! 


Yiannis Kranidiotis, Sam Nester & Giovanni Randazzo | Alba Bernini, Irene Guerrero Fernández & Ana Montero Castaño

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Yiannis Kranidiotis

Yiannis Kranidiotis is an artist whose work explores the relationship between science and art using mainly light, motion and sound to create spaces and experiences where all coexist and interact. He is interested in physical phenomena like the harmonic oscillation, the natural repeatability and the wave movement and also in exploring and transforming scientific data, like the properties of the exoplanets or the solar wind. The increasing pollution of the planet with plastic and the effects on the oceans and on the environment in general are issues that also affect his practice. Many of his works include motion and inter- action where others include data processing and sonification methods. This requires cross-disciplinary work with sound, visual arts, coding, electronics and physics. His work has been presented in many festivals and exhibitions. He has a BS in Physics from the University of Patras and an M.Sc. in Optics from Essex University.


Instagram: @yanniskra

Sam Nester

Sam Nester is an Australian born, New York City based musician. Using data sonification to create his compositions and sound installations, Nester aims to bring the environment from the background into the foreground at a critical time for environmental awareness. His Arcadia project (2019-present) uses technology to convert the live bio- rhythms of native plants to MIDI data to create immersive site-specific sound and light installations. In 2021, Nester spent time as the artist-in-residence for Hawai’i Volcanoes National Park, designing musical scores from seismic data collected by the United States Geological Survey (USGS). Between the years of 2015-2018, he traveled from deep in the Australian outback to 320 miles north of the Arctic Circle, interviewing dozens of individuals about life on the frontier in the age of technology. This audiovisual project, Back of Beyond, explores lessons about climate change, Indigenous rights, and community.


Instagram: @1snester

Giovanni Paolo Randazzo

Giovanni Paolo Randazzo is a multimedia artist, graduated from the University of Vincennes, Paris VIII (France), with a Master‘s in Contemporary Art and New Media from the same University. Since 2016 he works as teacher of the Chair of Audiovisual Installation for the De- partment of Art of the University of Los Andes (Bogotá). Additionally, he leads a research group called Imágenes de segunda mano, whose work focuses on the appropriation of archive in contemporary art and cinema. His practice centers on the construction of audiovisual narratives that suggest deep reflections on environmental is- sues like climate change and biodiversity loss. Nourished by the confluence between art, science, and technology his work takes multiple forms in videos, installations, photo- graphic series, and pictorial installations. He has exhibited internationally in museums, galleries, artistic institutions, and independent spaces in France, Italy, Germany, Spain, Paraguay, and Colombia.


Instagram: @giovannipaolorandazzo

Alba Bernini

Alba began working at the Joint Research Centre in Ispra in April 2021. She develops mathematical models that simulate the spread of infectious diseases in groups of people. She is currently working on a project called IMPARA that aims to learn from the Covid-19 experience. The goal of the research is to identify the best strategies put in place by different countries, namely those that were able to contain the pandemic with limited impacts on society and economy. She holds a master’s degree in Environmental and Land Planning Engineering and a PhD in Information Technology.

Irene Guerrero Fernández

I am a Spanish PhD Ecologist with focus on Farmland Biodiversity. My research career has developed on the interaction of human activity and biodiversity in agricultural landscapes. This relation is central, as the functioning of agro-ecosystems, their capacity to provide, depends very much on their ecological integrity. As crucial to communities, this interaction between food production and nature is very much shaped by policy. Thus, inevitably I have become increasingly involved in supporting policy-making. I have worked most of my time in Academia, teaching ecology and plant biology in university programmes of agricultural science. Yet, my path towards agricultural policy has led me to my current position as a project officer in the D5 unit of the JRC here in Ispra.

Ana Montero Castaño

I am a PhD ecologist interested in pollinators and pollination interactions. Along my research career, I have studied different threats that pollinators face: biological invasions, pathogen spread, habitat loss or the use of pesticides. In particular, I try to understand the underlying mechanisms and the characteristics of the species and the environment that influence the response of pollinator communities to these threats. In this regard, I find agricultural areas especially interesting study systems as they represent many of those threats to pollinators, while they can highly depend on their pollination service. Contributing to a more sustainable agriculture is the final goal of my work at the JRC - Food Security Unit. Before joining the JRC, I was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Guelph (Canada), where I moved after conducting my PhD at Doñana Biological Station (Spain).