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NaturArchy Residencies: These Relations Are Forever BACK @ JRC Ispra

Artist Jemma Woolmore will be back on the JRC Ispra site from the 22nd to the 26th of May for her second residency week for the project These Relations are Forever. This follows a successful first residency week of discussion, connection and elaboration at the end of February 2023, which culminated in an insightful presentation of Jemma’s work and on the importance of regaining slowness and ritual in our daily processes.

Jemma Woomore and collaborators meet in an office at JRC to brainstorm
These Relations are Forever team at work during the first residency at the JRC Ispra

Jemma is working with and bringing together researchers from different fields: Irene Guerrero Fernandez (agriculture), Caterina Cacciatori (water quality) and Sandra Coecke (and toxicology) and legal anthropologist Saskia Vermeylen, weaving together a speculative story of ritual and healing using the thread of Endocrine Disruptors (EDC’s). The project reframes their scientific practices as relations of care, using ritual as a thread to make connections across bodies, scales, cycles and scientific disciplines.

During this residency Jemma and the researchers will be preparing for the upcoming rituals which will make up the final artwork, scoping out locations where the rituals will take place and going through the ritual protocol. 

Jemma will also be presenting this project at the re:publica festival in Berlin (5th-7th June) – we'll post more updates closer to the time. 

This residency is being conducted in the framework of Resonances IV on NaturArchy: Towards a Natural Contract

Image: slide from Jemma Woolmore's presentation during her first residency at JRC Ispra
Image: slide from Jemma Woolmore's presentation during her first residency at JRC Ispra 


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