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Researchers, Policymakers & External Collaborators

These researchers and policymakers from the Joint Research Centre and the wider European Commission participated to the Resonances IV Summer School (June 2022).

They discussed, debated and challenged their views, exploring the topic of NaturArchy and engaging with the Artists

Michele d'Addetta

michele d'addetta profile picture for website

Alan Belward

alan belward profile picture for website

Alba Bernini

alba bernini profile picture for website

Anna Berti Suman

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Danijela Brkovic

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Caterina Cacciatori

caterina cacciatori profile picture for website

Michele Ceddia (aka Graziano)

graziano ceddia profile picture for website

Céline Charvériat

celine charveriat profile picture for website

Sandra Coecke

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Frank Dentener

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Luca De Felice

Profile picture of Luca de Felice for SciArt website

Andrea Diaz Rincon

Andrea Diaz profile picture for collaborators

Grégoire Dubois

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Eimear Farrell

eimear farrell profile picture for website

Guillermo García-Sánchez

Guillermo García Sánchez profile picture new

Bernd Gawlik

bernd gawlik profile picture for website

Giacomo Grassi

giacomo grassi profile picture for website

Irene Guerrero Fernández

irene guerrero fernandez profile picture for website

Isabelle Hupont Torres

isabelle hupont torres profile picture for website

Lucía Iglesias Blanco

Lucia Iglesias new profile picture for website

Julian Keimer

julian keimer profile picture for website

Maciej Krystofowicz

maciej krystofowicz profile picture for website

Jonah Lynch

jonah lynch profile picture for website

Ana Montero Castaño

ana montero profile picture for website

Amanda Jane Ozin-Hofsaess

amanda jane ozin hofsaess profile picture for website

Ivan Penov

Ivan Penov profile picture for sciart website

Jessica Ponti

jessica ponti profile picture for website

Antonio Puertas Gallardo

antonio puertas gallardo profile picture for website

Elahe Rajabiani

elahe rajabiani profile picture for website

Marisa Sarria Pereira De Passos

marisa sarria pereira de passos profile picture for website

Nikolaos Stilianakis

niko stilianakis profile picture for website

Giorgio Tessadri

giorgio tessadri profile picture for website

Mateusz Tokarski

mateusz tokarski profile picture for website

Andrea Valsesia

andrea valsesia profile picture for website

Saskia Vermeylen

saskia vermeylen profile picture for website

Diana Vieira

Diana Vieira profile picture for website

Matteo Vizzarri

matteo vizzarri profile picture for website

Evangelos Voukouvalas

E_Voukouvalas for web

Marina Xenophontos

Marina Xenophontos profile picture