On Friday 09/06 from 9:15 AM - 12:45 PM , Resonances IV artist Ingrid Mayrhofer-Hunfagl and JRC SciArt Visiting Scientist Sofia Greaves will be participating to the panel "The climate neutral city and its inhabitants" at the Summer School of the Resilienze Festival in Bologna.
Ingrid will also present some 3D prints at the festival which take case studies of Bologna and use the same methodology that she will apply to her project, Specter[al]s of Nature.
Specter[al]s of Nature residency at the JRC Ispra 06/02/2023 - 10/02/2023
Specter[al]s of Nature residency at the JRC Ispra 23/05/2023 - 26/05/2023
Ingrid's presentation of Residency | 25/05/2023
Art & Science for Postgrowth | JRC talk by Dr. Sofia Greaves
Dr Sofia Greaves as Visiting Scientist at JRC
As we think of timely solutions that cities could adopt to reach climate neutrality, we also have to ask ourselves in what kind of city we would like to live in in 10/20 years time. What metaphors represent it and what are only limits of our imagination, who are the actors and who are the audiences? We will try, with a post-growth approach, to explore the challenges of climate neutrality in urban planning, thinking of the city as the metabolism of combined natural, social and cultural processes. We will investigate the way in which public space, languages and images are able to influence systems and behaviours, entwining artistic practices together with urban development.
About the Resilienze Festival & Summer School
The Resilienze Festival Summer School (7th – 11th June, Bologna) is conceived as a formative process for those looking to make changes towards a more balanced way of living between humans and Nature, between systems of production and consumption and of healthy co-habitation between forms of life on Earth. It has been thought of as a public square, a round space, a zero to be filled in, with awareness that, if the urgency of the issue drives us to find solutions, we can reclaim the need to pose questions, to build environments through which to observe, problematize, question the relationship between man, nature and culture.
More about the Resilienze Festival Summer School.
More about the Resilienze Festival.
Apply for a scholarship to attend the Resilienze Summer School.
June 9, 2023, 9:15 AM - 12:45 PM
Le Serre dei Giardini Margherita, Bologna, Italy
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