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Kristin Bergaust @ META FORUM Sci-art your life!

At 19:00hrs on 13/09/2023, Resonances IV artist Kristin Bergaust will give a keynote at the "META FORUM Sci-Art Your Life!" event in Timisoara (RO). She will present her work on Oslofjord Ecologies, as well as her project Ocean Connections, which is being developed in the framework of NaturArchy together with collaborators Guillermo Garcia Sanchez and Evangelos Voukouvalas. 

More about "META FORUM Sci-Art Your Life!" - Link

The international event "META FORUM Sci-Art Your Life!" explores the synergy between art and science and how such collaborations can create, in the medium and long term, a more integrative and multidisciplinary approach to the issues facing contemporary society. Leading experts from Romania, Austria, Norway and Spain bring their own perspectives on the interplay between the seemingly distinct worlds of contemporary art and advanced science to the Timisoara audience in a rare opportunity to explore the frontiers of innovation, where creativity and knowledge intertwine in surprising ways. 

It is a laboratory for creating meaningful connections between distinct fields that directly impact our lives and it contributes to building a sustainable community of arts and science professionals. The connections formed during the conference extend beyond, continuing to inspire collaborations and innovative initiatives to build a brighter, more creative future.

More about Ocean Connections & Kristin @ JRC

What: "META FORUM Sci-Art Your Life!"

Where: The MV Sci-Art Cultural Centre, Timisoara (RO)

When: Wed 13th Sept 2023, 19:00-19:45 

Meta forum Event poster


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