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Three Cultures: the potential for change when art, science and policy meet | LASER talk on 17/05/2024

In the series of talks organised as part of the Leonardo LASER Network, JRC SciArt is happy to announce the next talk on the "The Art + Science + Policy Nexus", by artist and researcher Dr Kat Austen, recently published the JRC. 

The talk will take place on the 17/05/2024 at 12:00 PM CET, online

You can receive the link to register on the Leonardo LASER website.  

About the talk: A wealth of art + science projects are addressing topics of environmental importance. The cutting-edge ideas and experiments from the field hold great potential for transforming policy - but how does the message get across? How does art+science intersect with policy? This LASER session responds to the recent publication, "The Art + Science + Policy Nexus" and presenting an overview of current practice and discussing with a panel of experts how to foster exchange and transformation when policy and policymakers encounter art and science.

Download "The Art + Science + Policy Nexus" publication here.

Watch recording of the talk here

Download the slides of the talk here

Moderator:  Prof Ingeborg Reichle - PhD, Berlin-based contemporary art historian and curator specialised in modern and contemporary art with a particular interest in art and science collaborations.


  • Kat Austen - artist and researcher, Artist in Residence at the Faculty of Maths and Physical Sciences, University College London and Senior Teaching Fellow at UCL Arts and Sciences; 
  • Lucía Iglesias Blanco - Forestry Engineer specialized in nature conservation and protected area management, DG ENV European Commission; 
  • Philippe Kern - founder and managing director of KEA, research centre and consultancy advising territories and organisations on culture, mediating between cultural and creative sectors and policy making 
  • Jutta Thielen-del Pozo - advisor to the Strategy and Work Programme of the Joint Research Centre, European Commission. Previously head of the JRC Scientific Development Unit.

About Leonardo LASERLeonardo/ISAST LASER Talks is a program of international gatherings that bring artists, scientists, humanists and technologists together for informal presentations, performances and conversations with the wider public. The mission of LASER is to encourage contribution to the cultural environment of a region by fostering interdisciplinary dialogue and opportunities for community building to over 50 cities and 5 continents worldwide.

What: Three Cultures: the potential for change when art, science and policy meet

Where: Online - register to receive the link on the Leonardo website.  

When: 17/05/2024, 12:00 PM CET 

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