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Ocean Connections @ European Maritime Days 2023

On Wednesday 24/05 and Thursday 25/05 2023 artist Kristin Bergaust will be exhibiting a “work in progress” installation of the project Ocean Connections at the European Maritime Days Conference in Brest. This project is currently in development with researcher Guillermo García-Sánchez in the framework of Resonances IV on NaturArchy, a JRC SciArt initiative.

Ocean Connections wants to bring to light nonhuman and invisible perspectives, experiences and lives which are otherwise usually disregarded, replacing the human gaze with that of the ocean and at the same time demonstrate that scientifically generated material can have engaging aesthetic qualities. 

This video installation has been made possible thanks to the generous support of the European Commission's department on Maritime Affairs and Fisheries


Ocean Connections @ European Maritime Days 

Ocean Connections Project Description

Residency at the JRC Ispra | 16/01/2023 - 20/01/2023.

Presentation of residency | 20/01/2023



In visual representations the oceans are often shown as blue empty fields, maybe annotated for depth, instilling an idea of empty voids. To further and foster a kinship and relationship to the life in the oceans, these representations as well as metaphors such as the Blue Mirror should be contested.  The experience of oceans as live environments of varied and complex life-forms is less common for humans with a land-based work life. The oceans contain at least 700 000 species, from one-celled microbes and small plankton and algae to the largest mammals on the planet, whales with hearts that weigh 500kg. Life in the oceans could be better known to make humans aware of co-habitants on the planet we rarely see.

Could altering the human gaze create a more balanced representation of other living beings and environments? We hope to make visible and represent what is usually not cared for or valued and at the same time demonstrate that scientifically generated material can have engaging aesthetic qualities. 


About European Maritime Days 

More about the European Maritime Days Conference 2023 

How to register 



May 24/25, 2023 

Brest, Brest Expo, Parc des Expositions de Penfeld, France 


Publication date