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NaturArchy Residencies: Specter[al]s of Nature BACK @ JRC Ispra

From the 23rd to the 25th of May we’ll welcome artist & architect Ingrid Mayrhofer-Hufnagl to the JRC Ispra site in residence for her project Specter[al]s of Nature – Seeing beyond the visible

In Ispra Ingrid will meet again with JRC researchers Alan Belward (head of the Food Security unit) and Luca de Felice (geo-spatial data scientist), whom she discussed with during her first residency in February 2023. Together, they will further elaborate on the project’s use of earth observation research results and remote sensing technology to speculatively explore the anthropogenic impact on the natural environment on a planetary scale beyond the limitations of our senses. 

To integrate aspects related to foresight, urban planning and design, Ingrid also met with JRC colleagues Elahe Rajabiani (design for policy); Maciej Krystofowicz (foresight) and Lorenzo de Simone and Malgorzata Wrobel from the New European Bauhaus in Brussels between the 25th and 27th April.

Artists at JRC examining maps
Artists at JRC check out the soil columns
People working together at JRC to put maps together
  Snapshots of the first residency at JRC Ispra   

Ingrid will be presenting on this collaboration and work in progress while at the JRC. The presentation will be hybrid in format and Webex attendance will be possible, details to be confirmed. If you would like to receive the link to attend please contact

This residency is being conducted in the framework of Resonances IV on NaturArchy: Towards a Natural Contract

Ingrid will also be presenting a prototype for this project at the Resilienze Festival in Bologna (7th – 11th June) – we'll post more updates closer to the time. 



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