We are part of the ocean and its flows. Whatever we do to the oceans we do it to our own body.
Join artist Kristin Bergaust (OsloMet University) and researcher Guillermo García Sánchez (ICMAT) on their project Ocean Connections to uncover what is normally invisible to our eyes and discover new and enhanced perspectives on the environment around us. To do this, the pair have been working to create immersive experiences of the ocean, full of life but also threatened by dire environmental crises and ecocide, bringing together scientific imagery along with artistic methods
These developments follow a successful week in residency in January 2023, where they connected to researchers from the water, biodiversity and coastal risk management groups at JRC and presented their research to the wider JRC community. The week also led to an exhibition of a “work-in-progress” of their future installation at the European Maritime Days in Brest with the DG Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, with special thanks goes to Evangelos Voukouvalas (external consultant at Unit E1 of the Joint Research Centre) - check this out on Twitter! Next week, 05 – 09 June, Kristin and Guillermo are back at the JRC to continue working together on their project, as well as with their affiliated JRC researchers.

This residency is being conducted in the framework of Resonances IV on NaturArchy: Towards a Natural Contract.
Images: Ocean Connections and Kristin Bergaust at the European Maritime Days

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