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NaturArchy Residencies: Athena Latocha @ JRC Ispra

How can we use artistic methods to research and convey how climate change is intensifying the natural forces of nature that can fuel storm surges, droughts, fires, and land erosion/collapse, and the affect that has upon human experience

Join Athena LaTocha's exploration with her project, as she uncovers how our origin stories can ground us in place and how connection to place influences our human experience, to develop a research and work in response to physical sites and environments, collecting fieldwork and material samples. 

Athena is coming to the JRC to discuss with Alan Belward (remote sensing), as well as colleagues from the Soil Team and from the Disaster Risk Management Team and begin her exploration and research for this project. She’ll be at the JRC for two weeks (05/06 – 16/06) and eager to connect with colleagues working on the Arctic, Antarctic and Third Pole especially, and will also be presenting her work – if interested please get in touch! 

This residency is being conducted in the framework of Resonances IV on NaturArchy: Towards a Natural Contract

Large landscape painting from a slab of metal by Athena Latocha in exhibition space
It Came From the North, 2021, credit Athena Latocha



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