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SciArt: Science art society

Welcome & Guidelines

Welcome to the internal, working part of the SciArt website! 

You've found this message on your Dashboard, which is where you will also find the project(s) that you submitted to us after the Summer School, in August of last year - the content is there for you to updated and edit so please feel free to do so. Please bear in mind that this content will be used to make up the catalogue of the exhibition and will be rendered public once the exhibition opens. On your Dashboard you will also find a Message Board which we will be using to share news, communications and updates to all of you so please make sure you check this regularly. 

You will also be able to add all of your collaborators to work on and edit a project, and we will ensure that they are able to also access the site and work on this project. 

Below is the set of guidelines for accessing and working on the site which you also received by email, which you can come back to, if you are unsure about some features of the site.

As always, please do not hesitate to get in touch for any thoughts/queries/comments on this process!

Have fun, 

JRC SciArt


1. Registration

• You will receive an email inviting you to register in the internal space of the SciArt website 

• Clicking on the link, you will be brought to the ECAS log in web page. The ECAS login is linked to the email account you used to access the European Commission portals for the first time. 

• After 24 hrs from the first log-in attempt, you will receive an email from the JRC-Resonances account informing you that your profile has been activated and you can now enter your personal space within the SciArt webpage. 

Note that this personal space is your playground. Users who are the "lead artists” of their proposals will have the possibility to invite collaborators (other artists and/or scientist within and outside of the JRC), who will follow the same log in procedure. This invitation is done by adding the name, surname and the email address of the collaborator(s) in the free text field “Additional Collaborators” in the "Edit" mode of your Project

Please limit these invitations to the persons actively participating to your project and needing access for further contributions. 

Please keep in mind that this registration implies your having signed and sent the consent form that your received from the JRC-Resonances email and that you comply with the data privacy policy of the SciArt team. 

2. Accessing your SciArt Dashboard

When you log into the SciArt website you will be taken to your personal dashboard - here you can find all the projects you are involved in, which you will be able to edit and work on.

3. What can you see on your dashboard?

a. On you Dashboard you have three sections “Projects”, “Proposals” & “Message Board”.

b. In the “Projects” section you will find working pages for the projects which have been approved by the SciArt team for residency & further development. The content has been taken from what you submitted to the SciArt team for evaluation in Aug 2022 - so it will need updating from you. Every team member will be able to edit and work on the project in which they are involved - artists, scientists and policymakers. 

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  • Some parts of the project will be used quite early on, e.g. the “short description”, making up communication and publicity materials such as one-page cards that we will put next to each project for people to collect during their visit to the exhibition.
  • The rest of the text will be used for the catalogue. That means that this text with its pictures will be extracted for further processing. 
  • At the opening of the exhibition, these projects will be “published”, i.e. made available for all non-registered visitors of the sites.

c. The “Proposals” section contains archives of the proposals you initially submitted. These are no longer editable, as the work has been approved for development as a Project.

  • You normally get an email when the Proposal you have been working on is promoted to “Project” stage. This means that the project has been accepted for further development by the JRC SciArt team.
  • On your Dashboard you will automatically see Projects as we have moved forward in the project development step due to the later development of the site.

d. The “Message Board” is the central page which the SciArt team will use to disseminate all messages to the entire group of authenticated users. 

  • You will be able to see (but not edit) all the messages posted by the SciArt team and you will be able to both comment and see all the comments on all of these posts.
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Screenshot of mock up project page for guidlines for internal part of website 9
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4. Working on and Editing a Project

To begin working on a project click on its title where you see it on the Dashboard. 

a. You will be taken to a page where you see the project as it currently exists on the site. 

b. Right below the blue band where the title of the project is, you will see a yellow button “Back to Dashboard” which you can use to go back to your Dashboard. 

c. You will also see different options which allow you to interact with the content of the project: “View”, “Edit”, “Delete”, & “Revisions”. 

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  • The “View” corresponds to the landing page of the project that you are taken to when you click on the link on the Dashboard. 
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  • The first part of the project, General Information, is “computed”, i.e. it collects some of the information on the project automatically. You can change this information by editing the original fields below this General Information section in the “Edit” mode. 
  • “Revisions” shows you all the versions of the project that have been saved - so if you save your work, then make changes, but later want to go back to the earlier versions you can . 
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  • Clicking on “Edit” is what allows you to actively work on the project, taking you to another page where you can edit/add text, images and documents.
  • When you edit and save a project you are collaborating on, all the collaborators involved will receive an email that the project has been updated.

5. List of fields in a Project

The whole list of fields is as follows (you find a Table below with a mock-up “Edit”-mode page on the website): 

Mock-up Project Page


Screenshot of mock up project page for internal part of website 1

Landing page in the “Edit” mode.




Screenshot of mock up project page for internal part of website 2

When “Published” is toggled to green this means that your project is no longer a Draft and is made available for viewing to the SciArt team and their collaborators 


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Not editable fields, already fixed by SciArt team



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Here you can add the names of the Lead Artist and Main Scientific Collaborator of the project – the field searches for names within our Database, so please start filling in a few letters of a person’s name and their full name should come up for you to add them in the proposal. 



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Screenshot of demo for SciArt website guidelines 5.2


For the”Additional collaborators”, you’ll have to add the full names, email, organisation and role of the collaborators, as appropriate (no look-up is foreseen). We will make sure they will find the project on their Dashboard as well.



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Screenshot of demo for SciArt website guidelines 6.2

These taxonomy fields search for a term within our database, so please start typing a few letters and you should get some terms coming up which you can add in.


For scientific and artistic disciplines, if you do not find the term you are looking for, please send an email to the SciArt team. 


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Free text paragraphs. The Short description is limited to 2000 characters, the others are (essentially) unlimited.


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Free text paragraphs – as above


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Free text paragraphs – as above


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For the budget you can either create a Table using the Table tool in Drupal A screenshot of a computer</p>
<p>Description automatically generatedor paste in an Excel Table or add the items as a List/ as Text. 


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Please indicate your total budget and whether it includes the artist (or artists) fee.


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Screenshot of demo for SciArt website guidelines 13

The Documents paragraph lets you upload three types of additional files: Images, additional Text paragraphs and Documents (Word, PDF, Excel). 


You have to add one document at a time, and one image at a time. Content will appear in the order you add it in, so if you add in Image, Document, Image that is what you will see in the View


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Screenshot for website tutorial, showing how different elements work 2
Screenshot for website tutorial, showing how different elements work 3
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Screenshot for website tutorial, showing how different elements work 6

To insert a document head to the “Documents” section and toggle the arrow down from where you see “Add Images” to select “Add Documents”

The paragraph that pops up will allow you to add any Media which has been saved in our Media database. To add your specific document or media etc. to this database click on the hyperlinked “media add page” above the search box. 

The Media Add Page will automatically take you to a page which allows you to upload a document. Where you see “File Type”, select “Local” and there you will get the opportunity to Browse your own files. 

Once the file is selected and uploaded click “Save”. This will ensure that the document is added to the Media database.

Then, go back to the “Edit” page of your project and start typing in a few letters until your specific document is shown as an option below. Select it and you will see it in the “View” of the Project the next time you save it.


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Screenshot of demo for SciArt website guidelines 15

Here you can add in external links which will open in a new tab. 


You can add as many items as you like.