SciArt Project
The JRC SciArt project was established in January 2016, with the objective of triggering innovation in research and bring together science, art and society. Strongly influenced by the JRC mission of doing science in support of policy, it gives scientists, artists and policymakers the opportunity to meet and work together. They discuss, investigate and explore the wide intersecting plains between art and science, with a tension towards impacting our collectivities.
Yet, in the first instance, the project tries to create a safe haven to freely roam possible worlds, pursue impossible projects and to embrace failure.
As such, it is part of the ongoing innovation of the JRC as service to the European citizen.
Catch up with Matina Halkia (one of the researcher/actresses) on how the performance of Feeling Science went down in Monte Carlo (MC) on the 20/10/2023, supported by JRC and the Italian Embassy in Monaco.
We have a new production update for Jemma Woolmore's, These Relations are Forever @ JRC Ispra 10/10/2023 - 13/10/2023.
Apply to take part in the Science, Technology and Innovation beyond Growth joint conference at the University of Vigo (June 2024).
A blogpost about the researcher's experience of her ritual with Jemma Woolmore for their NaturArchy project.
Feeling Science Workbook and Script published on the JRC Publications Repository.
Feeling Science, the theatre and science initiative kick-started by JRC SciArt in 2021 in collaboration with the Parola di Donna festival in Varese, returns with a performance at the Théâtre des Variétés in Monte-Carlo (MC) on the 20/10/2023, supported by JRC and the Italian Embassy in Monaco.
Synocene team organises Citizen engagement workshop in Glengarriff Harbour and Natura 2000 site.
JRC SciArt joins the Leonardo LASER network as a host for future interdisciplinary, community building talks.
Conference by the Material | Art | Science | Environment | Research group of Bath Spa University on Indigenous performing arts activism on water and climate issues.
Resonances IV artist Kristin Bergaust presenting on Oslofjord Ecologies and Ocean Connections @ "META FORUM Sci-art your life!" in Timisoara (RO).