JRC SciArt News
Artist Siobhán McDonald returns to JRC to develop her ongoing Starts4 Water project which revives buried port traditions and perspectives.
From the 3rd and the 7th of March 2025, four artworks first produced for the NaturArchy exhibition will be on show during European Ocean Days (BXL).
STUDIOTOPIA group will visit JRC Ispra on 19/02/2025 through partnership with MEET Milano
Check out the JRC SciArt 2024 End of Year Newsletter with wrap-ups, highlights, media, upcoming productions and more!
New workshops in Dec 2024 for Synocene - Beyond the Anthropocene - led by artist Marina Wainer - as part of the the Horizon Europe project VOICE.
Through the art of Ingrid Mayrhofer-Hufnagl, bodies of water become stakeholders in rights of nature discussions at EU Policy Lab workshop.
From the 24th October 2024, NaturArchy artwork Anthos was showcased at Voltaje, Art and Technology Salon in Bogotá (Colombia).
Former visiting scientist for JRC SciArt, Dr. Sofia Greaves, presents research in art&science for postgrowth at the S+T+ARTS Symposium in Barcelona.
Check out the report onScience and Art for Transdisciplinary Education, authored by the members of the Community of Practice on SciArt in Education.
On 23/10/2024, 14:00-16:00, five former JRC artists in residence will present arts for soil sciences at the 4th EU Soil Observatory Stakeholder Forum
Interdisciplinary artwork Synocene, on show at the NaturArchy exhibition, features on National Geographic Spain.
We invite you to join us on Sunday 29th September for the finissage of the NaturArchy exhibitionat iMAL Art Center for Digital Cultures & Technology.
On 28/09/2024, 18:00-19:15, JRC SciArt curator Caterina Benincasa participates to Trieste Next discussing artists intermingling in research sites.
Upcoming LASER talk on economics, microbiology, groundwater and raw materials in Antofogasta (CL) stemming from Penelope Cain's NaturArchy project.
Since it's launch on 10/04/2024 at the 2024 New European Bauhaus Festival, the eBAU book by artist Roberto Paci Dalò (produced by JRC SciArt and published by Quodlibet Editore) on artists' perpectives towards the New European Bauhaus, has been presented to a wide network with events across Italy, and generated reactions in the press.
Keep up with these events and news on the dedicated page of the JRC SciArt website.
In the context of the NaturArchy exhibition, and as part of its public engagement programme, the Le Biais Vert collective presented Nos Futurs Radio. Joining forces with Radio Campus, broadcasts took place throughout June and July 2024 on Saturday afternoons, giving voice to artists, collectives, associations, activists, and all people located in Belgium who concretely work to rethink ways of inhabiting the city and the world and believe that we can rebuild relationships with living things without harming them.
You can find information about these broadcasts on the dedicated page of our website as well as on iMAL's website.
Recordings will be accessible on the JRC SciArt Media Archive as they become available.
These (toxic) relations are forever – PFAS Pollution as a threat to water resilience in the EU - @ iMAL/La Vallee Rue Adolphe Lavallée 39, 1080 Bruxelles on 27/06/2024, 17h30-20h. Please register using this link (deadline 24 June)
On Thursday 20/06/2024 at 09:00 AM CET, JRC SciArt project leader, Adriaan Eeckels and Resonances IV artist Penelope Cain will take part in Special Session 127 titled Art and Science in Degrowth: A ManiQuesto as part of the the 10th International Degrowth Conference and the 15th Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics (ESEE) in Pontevedra (Galicia, Spain). The session will probe the importance of the arts for degrowth, the points of tension, contradiction and possibility.
On Friday 14/06 at 19:30-20:30 PM CET at iMAL (Brussels), by the Nos Futurs Radio station, a panel discussion titled Belonging to Land & Country in the Anthropocene will be held, engaging with the role of vernacular, local and indigenous knowledge in transforming our food systems.
On Friday 14/06 at 10:50 AM CET at the Citizen Participation and Deliberative Democracy Festival the session and panel titled, Epistemologies of the North. Why do we need to work across different ways of knowing in the Arctic? , featuring a music and visual performance, will engage with the question:What does it take to bring notions of care and cognitive justice into policymaking?
On Thursday 13/06 at 17:30 CETResonances IV artist Jemma Woolmore will be giving a participatory performance at the Citizen Participation and Deliberative Democracy Festival, organised by the European Commission’s Competence Centre on Participatory and Deliberative Democracy titled I/We/They: Rhythm and Ritual for public space.
On 13/06/2024 , in the framework of the public programme adjoint to the NaturArchy exhibition, a panel will be held on What is the role of arts and science in European forest resilience against wildfires? from 10:00 - 13:00 CET at the CDMA building in Brussels (21 Rue du Champ de Mars / Marsveldstraat 21, B-1050). This panel follows the collaboration of artist Margherita Pevere with FIRE-RES Europe for the work Lament, which will be exhibited at the NaturArchy exhibition starting from 12/06/2024.
As a beautiful and illustrative example of how art and science collaborations can positively impact policymaking, two of the artworks currently on show at the NaturArchy exhibition in Brussels - by JRC SciArt in partnership with iMAL - will be showcased at the EU Green Week 2024 in the Charlemagne building, Brussels.
On 14/06/2024 at 16:30-18:00 at the Fablab iMAL(Brussels), Gala Berger and indigenous artist Metsá Rama will lead a workshop to learn about the worldview of the Shipibo-Conibo people through the practice of Kené painting.
The Invisible Seeds artwork to which the workshop references, developed after two years of collaboration between Gala, the Shipibo-Conibo artists and agricultural policy and research input from Irene Guerrero Fernandez (JRC) will be unveiled this same week at iMAL as part of the NaturArchy exhibition.
On 12/06/2024 at 19:00 at iMAL (Brussels), Margherita Pevere and the Lament team will unveil the final artwork and performance.
FREE Half-Day Nature Arts Workshop: ALL AGES WELCOME, organised by the Synocene – Beyond the Anthropocene in the framework of the NaturArchy exhibition by JRC SciArt in parternship with iMAL.
Be part of this sound art project that will bring local Sonian voices to a museum in Brussels.
Join us for the NaturArchy exhibition Opening events 24/25 May 2024.
The opening on 24 May will start at LaVallée, rue Adolphe Lavallée 39, 1080 Brussels and move to iMAL 30 Quai des Charbonnages, Brussels,for a guided tour of the exhibition by the artists. There will be a second opening in the Parc du Cinquantenaire and a workshop in the Forêt de Soignes on 25 May.
These events are open to the public and free of charge (registration is required for the Synocene workshop).
A wealth of art + science projects are addressing topics of environmental importance. The cutting-edge ideas and experiments from the field hold great potential for transforming policy - but how does the message get across?
Prof Ingeborg Reichle moderates this panel organised by JRC SciArt as part of the Leonardo LASER Network online, on 17/05/2024 on the recently published, "The Art + Science + Policy Nexus", written by artist and researcher Dr Kat Austen.
Artist JD Whitman has been implementing numerous art and science workshops for her project, Plastic Magnitudes- currently being produced in the framework of NaturArchy, with an upcoming exhibition at iMAL - with community members from County Clare and County Galway, Ireland.
On Monday 29/04 Dr Ele Carpenter (Umeå University, Sweden) will give a talk at JRC Ispra, introducing her curatorial research into nuclear art and culture, tracing the movement of uranium across the planet.
NaturArchy artist Kristin Bergaust presented the project Ocean Connections - currently being developed in the framework of NaturArchy together with Guillermo Garcia Sanchez and Evangelos Voukouvalas - at the Politics of Machines (POM) Conference 2024 in Aachen (DE).
Professor Geert Buelens will be at JRC to give a conference on the forgotten history of climate change as part of the Belgian Semester 2024 programme of events, in collaboration with JRC SciArt.
The Resonances IV exhibition on the theme of NaturArchy will take place at iMAL, Art Center for Digital Cultures & Technology, (30 Quai des Charbonnages, Koolmijnenkaai, 1080 Brussels), opening on the 24th May.
The exhibition is being co-curated by JRC SciArt, Claudia Schnugg and Ingeborg Reichle as external curators, and iMAL.
On 11/04/2024 JRC SciArt is participating to the two afternoon working sessions of the Archipelago of Possible Futures Symposium, organised as part of the New European Bauhaus Festival.
Roberto Paci Dalò will present his eBAU book, portraying artists' perspectives on the New European Bauhaus, on the 10/04 at the NEB Antenna section of the New European Bauhaus Festival.
A JRC Publication concerning synergies and potential trade-offs in combating climate change and biodiversity loss, as well as the relevant EU policies and projects, of relevance to the concept of NaturArchy and grounding its artistic and epistemological roots within EU research and policy.
TEDx Talk in Varese on civic sentinels and the intersection of law, activism and art.
Jan Boelen returns to JRC as part of the Belgian Semester, following his Techno Green lecture at the 2022 SciArt Summer School, to discuss transdisciplinary, local and sustainable methods to come close to a real green technology.
Check out artefacts to make future scenarios more concrete and begin critical discussions by the Futures Garden.
Within the scope of the Innovation for place-based transformations. ACTIONbook, practices and tools, art-science collaborations are recognised as tools to help make innovation policies be part of the collective purpose-driven change necessary to achieve place-based transformations.
JRC SciArt organises the first in a series of talks as part of the Leonardo LASER Network on 23/02/2024. The talk will weave through the intricacies of the current situation as to the Rights of Nature, from an artistic, philosophical and governance point of view, within the context of the current NaturArchy curatorial theme and upcoming exhibition.
JRC SciArt is delighted to announce that a scientific paper written as part of the Synocene project has been accepted to the ACM (Association of Computing Machinery) CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
Help Nonhuman Nonsense make chemical cocktails from their Haunted Waters for the NaturArchy exhibition.
The production of the NaturArchy project Lament advances with a community engagement aspect in Portugal.
We're delighted to announce the release of the official Catalogue of the Resonances III Datami Festival.
Get lost in the flurry of SciArt snowflakes and explore what we got up to in 2023!
Ever wondered what happens at the nexus of Art, Science and Policy? Check out this JRC publication by artist Kat Austen, which surveys the landscape of the art-science-policy network, focusing on how and when art-science projects interact with policy and policymakers.
Sam Nester presents the project Anthos at the NYU Abu Dhabi Center for Genomics and Systems Biology.