NaturArchy artist Kristin Bergaust presented the project Ocean Connections - currently being developed in the framework of NaturArchy together with Guillermo Garcia Sanchez and Evangelos Voukouvalas - at the Politics of Machines (POM) Conference 2024 in Aachen (DE).
Professor Geert Buelens will be at JRC to give a conference on the forgotten history of climate change as part of the Belgian Semester 2024 programme of events, in collaboration with JRC SciArt.
The Resonances IV exhibition on the theme of NaturArchy will take place at iMAL, Art Center for Digital Cultures & Technology, (30 Quai des Charbonnages, Koolmijnenkaai, 1080 Brussels), opening on the 24th May.
The exhibition is being co-curated by JRC SciArt, Claudia Schnugg and Ingeborg Reichle as external curators, and iMAL.
On 11/04/2024 JRC SciArt is participating to the two afternoon working sessions of the Archipelago of Possible Futures Symposium, organised as part of the New European Bauhaus Festival.
Roberto Paci Dalò will present his eBAU book, portraying artists' perspectives on the New European Bauhaus, on the 10/04 at the NEB Antenna section of the New European Bauhaus Festival.
A JRC Publication concerning synergies and potential trade-offs in combating climate change and biodiversity loss, as well as the relevant EU policies and projects, of relevance to the concept of NaturArchy and grounding its artistic and epistemological roots within EU research and policy.
TEDx Talk in Varese on civic sentinels and the intersection of law, activism and art.
Jan Boelen returns to JRC as part of the Belgian Semester, following his Techno Green lecture at the 2022 SciArt Summer School, to discuss transdisciplinary, local and sustainable methods to come close to a real green technology.
Check out artefacts to make future scenarios more concrete and begin critical discussions by the Futures Garden.
Within the scope of the Innovation for place-based transformations. ACTIONbook, practices and tools, art-science collaborations are recognised as tools to help make innovation policies be part of the collective purpose-driven change necessary to achieve place-based transformations.