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SciArt: Science art society


The JRC SciArt project was established in January 2016, with the objective of triggering innovation in research and bring together science, art and society. Strongly influenced by the JRC mission of doing science in support of policy, it gives scientists, artists and policymakers the opportunity to meet and work together. They discuss, investigate and explore the wide intersecting plains between art and science, with a tension towards impacting our collectivities.

Yet, in the first instance, the project tries to create a safe haven to freely roam possible worlds, pursue impossible projects and to embrace failure.

As such, it is part of the ongoing innovation of the JRC as service to the European citizen.

SciArt Project





The Resonances IV exhibition on the theme of NaturArchy will take place at iMAL, Art Center for Digital Cultures & Technology, (30 Quai des Charbonnages, Koolmijnenkaai, 1080 Brussels), opening on the 24th May

The exhibition is being co-curated by JRC SciArt, Claudia Schnugg and Ingeborg Reichle as external curators, and iMAL.

A JRC Publication concerning synergies and potential trade-offs in combating climate change and biodiversity loss, as well as the relevant EU policies and projects, of relevance to the concept of NaturArchy and grounding its artistic and epistemological roots within EU research and policy.