JRC SciArt News
Yiannis Kranidiotis in residence @ JRC Ispra.
Giovanni Paolo Randazzo, Yiannis Kranidiotis and Sam Nester in residence @ JRC Ispra.
Nonhuman Nonsense in residence @ JRC Ispra.
Sam Nester & Marina Wainer in residence @ JRC Sevilla
Sam Nester & Marina Wainer in residence @ DG ENV
Jemma Woolmore in residence @ JRC Ispra
Penelope Cain in residence @ JRC Ispra
JD Whitman in residence @ JRC Ispra
Ingrid Ogensted, Ingrid Mayrhofer-Hufnagl & Jonah Lynch in residence @ JRC Ispra
Artist Ingrid Mayrhofer Hufnagl in residence @ JRC Ispra
Resident artist Kristin Bergaust and researcher Guillermo García Sánchez @ JRC Ispra.
Check out the contribution of SciArt project leader Adriaan Eeckels in the catalogue Surprize 4 – What is Life?
Meet the Artists who will be in residence at the JRC in 2023!
Usmaradio's presence and podcast at the JRC SciArt Summer School 2022
JRC artist-in-residence Siobhan McDonald on the Guardian.
After the premiere in Varese, the theatre & science experiment Parola di Donna@JRC moves to Lugano Arte & Cultura (LAC).
Participating to the conference Working on Common Ground, organised by the Dutch pavillion at the Milan Triennale.
Participating to Digital Arts & Sustainable Web. a panel organised by EIT Climate-KIC at COP-27.
A conference hosted by the European Parliament on the different initiatives impacting AI public perception.
Participating to a conversation at the Uzbekistan Pavilion of the Venice Biennale, on: Wilderness: from being an obstacle to a new way of thinking.
Culminating 1.5 years of deep cross-disciplinary work the theatre & science initiative Parola di Donna@JRC premieres in Varese.
Resonances III artist Lise Autogena returns to the JRC site in Ispra to speak her recent work in Greenland with Joshua Portway.
Presentation of the research-artistic video Taming the Forest within the exhibition "COMPOSING LOCAL ECOLOGIES".
This conference resumes the cycle of JRC Art and Science talks on the topic of Changing the Ground (2021-2022, in collaboration with the EuSA).
The hybrid research process and art-science collaboration, Taming the Forest, premieres its performative phase.
JRC artist-in-residence Siobhan McDonald exhibiting her work at the Ars Electronica Festival as part of the STUDIO(dys)TOPIA exhibition.
Redirects to Doing Science with Art & Art with Science [Policy Brief]
Supporting art contamination and cross-fertilization with science
An impression paper by the JRC SciArt project & worldwide SciArt practitioners on the New European Bauhaus
Diana Ayton-Shenker: Becoming World-Makers with a New Global Bauhaus
Artist and researcher Jol Thoms offers his reflections on No Happy Ending: Storytelling at the end of the world.